Monday, July 27, 2020

Treasure in Clay Jars Devo - 2 Cor 4: 1-18

July 27th, 2020
“Treasure in Clay Jars” -
        2 Cor 4: 1-18
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Ministry” - 2 Cor 4: 1-2
Paul does not play around with words in the today’s passage - this is God’s ministry. They are engaged in it because of God’s mercy alone. What leads Paul to make such a true and bold statement? Probably because people are starting to get discouraged. If it is all about us and what we produce to determine our call and our worth, it becomes really is to lose confidence and heart
But Paul reminds us that our call and confidence come from God. If other people get ahead by engaging in behavior that doesn’t honor God - it isn’t worth it. If we have all of the success in the world, but we fail to follow God - it isn’t worth it. 
This section of scripture starts out as an invitation of sorts. An invitation to remember that what we do is to please God and bring glory to God’s name. 
  What is the ministry that you are called to?
Prayer: God, we thank you that you choose to use us as part of your mission and ministry in the world. We are humbled, O Lord, and we want to live lives that please you. Let us chase after you alone, O Lord, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Veiled” - 2 Cor 4: 3-6
When you think of veils, what comes to mind? For me, it is the veil that brides wear at weddings, that is flipped back to reveal their happy faces after walking down the aisle. 
With that image in mind, approach this piece of scripture in a different way. While the Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing, does that mean it has to be veiled forever? No! Light can still seep through the material, inviting people to flip it back in order to be able to fully see. 
God’s work is not stopped by the veil that is over our hearts and spiritual eyes. That is why we keep proclaiming the message of Jesus over and over and over again. We don’t know the exact moment when the veil will be uncovered so people can see the light of God. 
What images come to mind when you hear the word “veil”?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that sometimes we become discouraged when it comes to sharing you Good News. We tell people about you a handful of times, but when they do not respond with immediate boldness, we quickly move on. Help us, O Lord, to stay the course, remembering that you are doing something in the hearts and lives of others, even if we cannot see it. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Clay Jars” - 2 Cor 4: 7-12
  Not many people like the idea of being compared to a clay jar. Why? Because clay is fragile. After it sets or is fired, it becomes hard, but it is not hard to the point of being unbreakable. It can crack and chip and look fractured. 
But while we may not like the image, does that make the image untrue? No. The image Paul is lifting up here is accurate. We too, are fragile. We, too, are breakable. We, to, can chip and crack in so many ways.
Yet, the light of God continues on. Through all of those ways that the world would define as broken, we continue to shine forth the hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus is made visible in our brokenness, because it is a reminder that it is Christ’s message we are sharing, not our own. And we share it by Christ’s power, not our own. 
How has the power of Christ been proclaimed through your fragility or cracks?
Prayer: God, we confess that sometimes we would really like to be able to say that we did something by our own power. But, we also know that this is not true. That which we do that shines light and love and truth and mercy and hope into the world comes from your power alone. Help us to rely on your power, we pray. Amen. 

Thursday: “Faith” - 2 Cor 4: 13-15
  The faith that Paul is speaking of is in Christ alone. Because we have died in Christ, we are made newly alive for Christ. And that is a gift that we are given by God’s love and mercy. 
We find this elsewhere in scripture, like Psalm 116:10, which says, I kept my faith, even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted”.
In other words, our scriptural faith is not dependent upon outer circumstances, but instead it is built upon the rock of our salvation. 
  What is your faith built upon and why?
Prayer: Lord, when we want our faith to rest on you alone. We want a faith that can withstand the afflictions that may come our way. Lord, strengthen us, we pray. Amen. 

Friday: “Preparing Us” - 2 Cor: 16-18
  Paul is calling the Corinthians in this section of scripture to keep heart, to keep pressing on, and to mature. Not to keep heart in themselves or to keep pressing on to their desires, but towards Christ alone. Not to mature by their own standards, but in Christ.
Paul is encouraging them to be strengthened both inwardly and outwardly by Christ alone, for that is the one they (and we) are called to proclaim - not themselves. 
But that doesn’t make it easy. Maturity is a hard process. It is not as natural as growing up. It comes by being attentive and seeking to be continually changed by Christ. Nor does that strength come without patience and practice. But as we are stretched and transformed, we know that it is preparing us for what is to come. 
What has lead to your maturation in Christ?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for not leaving us where we are, so that we wold be unprepared for that which is to come. Thank you for inviting us to go deep and stretch wider for the sake of your Kingdom. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Walk by Faith not Sight” - 2 Cor 5: 1-21

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