Monday, January 10, 2022

Wedding at Cana Devo - John 2: 1-11

 January 9th, 2022


Wedding at Cana” - John 2: 1-11

Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “No More Wine” - John 2: 1-3

What happens when a party that you are at runs out of food? When all of the dishes are scraped clean? For a lot of folks that is a sign that the festivities are winding down. That it may soon be time to go home.

That’s okay when it is a dinner party, but when it is a wedding - that’s a bit trickier.

Wedding banquets in ancient times were multiple day celebrations. It would have been the responsibility of the host to make sure that there would be enough food, drink, and entertainment to keep the party going. And if things ran out - not only would that be a sign that it was time for the party to end before it should, but it would be a mark of disgrace upon the host, showing that he did not prepare enough. 

It is hard for us to wrap our heads around the idea of shame in our modern contexts. But in ancient times honor and shame were highly regarded. If you were honored it was not just something that looked good upon you, but upon your family. The same was true of shame - if you were brought to shame, so was your whole family. 

Therefore, running of out wine would have been a much bigger deal than we can understand today. A problem that would need Jesus’s attention. 

What needs do you bring to Jesus? 

Prayer: God, we are thankful that you love us and deeply care about us. We thank you that we can bring our concerns to you, knowing that you will respond in your perfect way and timing. Lead us to come to you, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Hour” - John 2: 4

The Gospel of John is known for being a Gospel full of signs and wonders that reveal the glory of God. These signs and wonders are what we may call miracles. Ways that God brings healing and change into the world.

But the first miracle Jesus performs in the Gospel of John is a bit odd. It isn’t about healing, but it does show God’s great provision in abundance. 

Mary approached Jesus about there not being enough wine for the wedding festivities, to which Jesus replies that his time has not yet come. What time? His time to reveal who he is to the world. His time to begin his public ministry. 

Yet, even if it did not seem to be time, Jesus still honored his mother and responded to the need at hand, calling forth the first miracle. We, too, may not understand Jesus’s ways and timing, yet he responds to the needs that we have as well.  

Where have you experienced miracles in your life?

Prayer: God, we thank you that even when we do not understand your timing and ways that you still respond to the cries of our heart. Thank you for your graciousness, we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Do” - John 2: 5-8

Mary, Jesus’s mother, is the one who calls his attention to the problem at hand. But, equally of importance, is the fact that she tells the attendants to do whatever Jesus say. 

Mary knew that the miracle that Jesus would perform would involve some actions from others. She has already heard him say that his time is not at hand, so he probably is not going to be performing this miracle in a particularly public fashion. So she wants those who are tasked with serving others to serve him as well - through their actions.

All of the actions that Jesu has them take - finding the stone jar and filling them to the brim with water before taking some of that water to the head of the banquet - probably made no sense to the servants, yet, they were willing do what they are told.

Are we as willing to do what we are told by Jesus? Or do we want all of the explanations and details first? Both Mary and the servants acted in trust. Are we equally willing to trust our Lord?

What has led you to trust Jesus as your Lord?

Prayer: Precious Lord, we are sometimes an obstinate people. We are not always as willing to trust you as your mother the servants from the wedding at Cana. Forgive us, O Lord, and remind us anew why we can trust you, no matter what. Amen. 

Thursday: “Realize” - John 2: 9-10

Sometimes miracles are extremely public (think of some of the healings that will follow in the Gospel of John). But other times miracles are more quiet in nature and take a keen spirit to discern what has taken place.

When the attendants take the water that they have drawn to the master of the banquet, it has turned into wine. Not just a little wine - but a lot of wine. Gallons upon gallons of wine. And it isn’t just poor quality wine. No, it is the best wine. 

But as generous as this miracle is, the mater of the banquet has no idea what has taken place. No simply thinks that the bridegroom has reserved the order in which the wine is served - saving the best for last. 

Today’s passage of scripture makes me wonder when we, too, fail to realize the miracles that have taken place. Where is God acting in our lives and in the world, but we fail to give him credit? 

How do you notice the miracles of God around you?

Prayer: Almighty God, we are thankful that even when we fail to recognize what you are doing - that you do it anyway. We humbly plead that you open up the eyes of our hearts so we can both perceive and receive what you are doing amongst us. Amen. 

Friday: “First Sign” - John 2: 11

  In John stating that the turning of water into wine at Cana was the first of the signs - we are told that Jesus will perform miracle after miracle throughout the Gospel of John. Sometimes the people will understand. Many times they will not.

One of the ways that the people misunderstand is thinking that what is taking place is about the sign itself. It is not. It’s about revealing the glory of Jesus given to him by God the Father. But in order to fully understand this, we need to know what glory is. Is it simply honoring? It’s more than that. It is revealing the fullness of God and the Kingdom to come.

How would you describe the glory of God?

Prayer: O loving God, continue to reveal your glory to us through Jesus Christ your son. May we, like the disciples, come to believe. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word

You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Jesus Cleanses the Temple” - John 2:13-25

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