Sunday, December 28, 2014

"A Community Emerges from Waiting"

  For the past several weeks our advent series has been about waiting for God, together as the Community of Christ, especially during times that are hard. This week our sermon focuses on how important community can be as we emerge from times of waiting. 
   Christmas has arrived. Now what? For those of us who are Christians the story doesn't end after the decorations have been put away. Instead, we now go forth to live out what we have discerned during our period of waiting. For Mary and Joseph, they lived out their faith, by going forth as part of the ritual cleaning - however, even when they were going about what the law said they should do, they were surprised once again by God. Surprised by two people who spoke prophetic words over their child - Anna and Simeon. 
    One of my favorite contemporary Christmas songs is "Mary Did You Know?" I have to wonder what Mary did or did not know as strangers held her child in their arms and spoke words of promise over him. Mary approached the temple that day to do what she was supposed to do, but through that ritual time she found a new community in Anna and Simeon that offered words of challenge and hope, wisdom and promise. 
   Who are the Anna and Simeon's in your life? Those people who bring such words to life for you? For me I think of 2 college professors, a seminary instructor and mentor. They all had a stance to speak truth and empower people - but not coddle them. Sometimes their words weren't what I wanted to hear, but they were exactly what I needed, and play a part in who I am today. 
   Community comes out of the silence and surprises of unexpected places. And as the sermon asked this week, "And are we willing to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, so through community, we can be the Simeons and Annas in other people’s lives - speaking words of hope and promise at just the right times and places?"