Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Acts 1: 1-11

From the Sermon:

The heart of our faith is Jesus Christ _________  and _____________.

But we do not just claim Jesus crucified and resurrected, we also proclaim that __________________.

For the first disciples, Jesus gave them very clear ___________ - stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift that has been promised to you - the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 

Sometime people have the words to describe Jesus as Lord but they haven’t _________________________.

The disciples were living _______________ time.

We proclaim that Jesus as Lord lives on in the church through the _____________________________________.

Reflection Questions:

How do you think the disciples received this news that Jesus was to ascend to heaven? 

How are the disciples caught up in their own limited expectations and understanding?

What prevents you from following Jesus as Lord?


Jesus, help us to not just say that you are Lord but to truly follow you as Lord, we pray. Amen. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 abbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Mark 16: 1-8

From the Sermon:

The the women are to _____________ to say anything.

The truth is that we ______ a different ________ to this text in Mark.

Mark doesn’t try to over-explain what the women were going through. He doesn’t try to cover up the ____________.

There is also these words of the angel that the women are to go and tell the disciple ___________ that Jesus is risen.

God’s not _______________.

Reflection Questions:

What do you think the women feared?

How are we living into the Gospel?

 How are we being part of what has yet to be written?


God, we are humbled that you entrust us to carry the Gospel out into the world. May the Good News be seen in us, as a light shining forth, in a way that makes your name known! Amen!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Mark 5: 1-20

From the Sermon:

There was a man who was considered _________ because he had an ___________ spirit within him.

Touching dead bodies was considered unclean so a place full of dead bodies was certainly unclean. People _____________________.

Jesus is ___________ this man out.

I wonder if instead of thinking about all of the ways that you _______ like this man, if the invitation today is to think about the ways that you _____.

The people are so _________ that they ask Jesus to leave town. 

Jesus is in the _________________ for the sake of the Kingdom.

Reflection Questions:

hat is binding your heart and life? 

Where does Christ want to offer you freedom?

Where does the power of Jesus to change hearts and lives not bring us to our knees in prayer and awe, but in fear?


Lord, we confess that there are parts of our lives we try to keep, even from you. Free us from what binds us so we can live as people of faith. Amen. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Mark 4: 1-34

From the Sermon:

Jesus starts with this little word that we often overlook, “___________”

Jesus is trying to get their __________.

The problem was that people didn’t ___________.

In Mark 4, we find this Gospel’s first expanded explanation of the ____________________.

Jesus is telling a parable, a story with a deeper meaning, that starts with a ________ that most people would understand.

The first problem is that we don’t listen. The second problem is that we ________________________________________.

The disciples come looking for clarification in one of the most beautiful displays of faithful discipleship - continuing to __________________________________.

Reflection Questions:

What chokes out the Word in our lives? Or where do we feel choked and what is leading to that?

What is this text asking of us?


God, help us to seek after Jesus by listening even more attentively to what he is telling us today. Amen. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Mark 2: 1-22


From the Sermon:

Jesus is now in ______________ and is teaching in a home.

Cutting a hole in the roof may not have been __________,  but it was ________, because when they had a big enough hole, they lowered that man right through it to Jesus.

Some folks will desperately want people to come to know him as Lord and Savior, only there are some __________, unspoken as they may be, around the concept of “__________.”

Sometimes we _________ others from coming to Jesus, even if we do not realize it.

The folks blocking the door that day had really good _____________.

The ______________ of the friends that day created a mess, but it was wroth it in the end. 

Reflection Questions:

What do we mean when we say we would do “anything”?


Lord, help us not to block the movement of your Spirit, we pray. Amen.