Have you ever found yourself having the same conversation with people multiple times over a short period of time? When I find the same topic coming up over and over again, I take it as a sign from God to pay attention.
One such topic that has been present on multiple occasions in my life recently was what we are known for as Christians. The discussion often starts one of two ways depending on who I am talking to. It it is non-Christians there is usually a laundry list of things that they have seen Christians say or do that confuse them about Jesus. If it is a group of Christians it is often complaining about why other Christians don't believe or act like they do.
Neither conversation is pleasant.
But the more I have engaged in such conversations, I feel God tugging at my heart to change the tone of the conversation. See, when we have these type of conversations it is often about what Christians are against or are perceived to be against. But what if we spent more time talking about what we are for? For the love of a Savior. For serving folks in Christ's name.
The trouble is we don't have as many folks who can clearly say with Christianity is for as those who can say what they believe it is against. That isn't life changing. That isn't something that tugs at the heart of the nonbeliever. And only being against something makes it a whole lot easier to walk away then if you are deeply rooted in what you are for.
For Wesley, being a Christian was being for life change. Being for freedom from the power of sin in our lives. And being for reaching out to serve others in life changing ways, both big and small. What if we took time to truly pray to God about what we are for and then go out to share that with the world? What type of revival could take place in our communities and in our own lives, for the name of Jesus Christ?
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