Sunday, November 26, 2017

“Revival: Works of Mercy” - James 2: 14-18 Devo

November 26th, 2017  
“Revival: Works of Mercy” - James 2: 14-18
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Faith But No Deeds” -James 2:14
Have you ever met someone who claimed that they didn’t need to do anything to serve Jesus because they believe in him? We may not hear folks make this claim so blatantly, but it is definitely a belief held by some Christians. Some people hold this belief because they don’t want to appear as if they are trying to earn their salvation. For others, they are simply most concerned with getting to Heaven by their beliefs. For the people James is writing to, they aren’t particularly interested in serving others, because they are too busy entraining people who could help them get further ahead in life - the wealthy and those with high status in society. 
Yet, our faith does call us to act - to love our God with all we have and all we are, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. James is trying to remind his audience that it is not enough to simply hold a belief or to say that we have faith - we are called to live that faith and beliefs out in our daily lives. 
How can we prevent ourselves from simply expressing faith with our lips and not our actions?
How is your faith expressed in your daily life? 
Prayer: God, we thank you that you invite our entire lives to be sanctified by your grace. We thank you for renewing our minds by what we believe. We thank you for changing our hearts by faith. And we thank you for using our actions to proclaim you message of Truth and Love in this world. Use us and renew us, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: “What Good Is It?” - James 2: 15-16
Sometimes we can spend much of our time trying to figure out who is worthy and unworthy of the aid we have to offer. On one hand, this scrutiny makes since -our resources are limited. However, if we are not careful, our hearts can become judgmental. 
James is speaking about folks who, when given the opportunity to reach out to others, chose to simply tell them to move on with a word of pseudo-blessing instead of meeting a concrete need.
Every time I read this passage from James I think of a good friend who was studying abroad with me in college. A man approached us asking for trolly fair, which my friend quickly gave him. Later on, the same man approached us again, intoxicated. When I asked my friend if he felt bad for giving him the money, he replied of course not. It was not his job to judge everyone’s needs. Instead, he was called to respond to the opportunities God gave him. 
I don’t know about you, but I feel more guilty for the times I have erred on the side of judgment then those when I served. How can we open up our hearts to God’s work of mercy within each of us?
What does the fine line between scrutiny and judgement look like in your life? Which side do you often end up on?
What opportunities has God given you to serve others that you have embraced or ignored? 
Prayer: Lord, we confess, that sometimes we end up judging other people’s worthiness to receive the help we have to give. We confess that we can make excuses as to why we don’t want to reach out to certain people at certain times in your name. Change our hearts, O God, and free us up to serve you in a mighty way. Amen. 

Wednesday: “ Dead” - James 2: 17
James is not one to mix words. He clearly says in today’s passage that faith without works is dead. Why is he making this claim? There is a man in our parish who often says that we are the first Bible that many people ever encounter. By that he means, that most people are drawn to the salvation that can only be found in Jesus Christ because of how we treat them as Christians. If our faith is not lived out, if there is not evidence of our faith, then we are missing the opportunity to witness to other people.
I have been a part of a wide variety of groups who have different philosophies about how to witness to the love and forgives of Jesus Christ. Some simply ask if folks are saved. In my own experience, this works sometimes. But I have had much more success is serving people, and then having them ask why in the world I was reaching out to them. That becomes and open door to share with them the love of Jesus. 
Our faith is a personal faith, but it is also meant to be shared. Salvation is the best gift ever offered to the world, and it is our opportunity as Christians to continue to share it with the world!
How do you react to the statement “faith without works is dead”?
How can we tangibly show mercy to others in a way that witnesses to our faith in Jesus?
Prayer: Lord, we are humbled that you invite us to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Out of gratitude for what Jesus has done in our lives, we want to continue to spread your word and proclaim your name through our words and actions! Let us boldly be your ambassadors in this world! Amen. 

Thursday: “Faith Vs. Deeds” -James 2:18
One of the biggest lies we have ever bought as the church is that our faith, when it comes to deeds, is either/or. Either you witness with your words or you witness with your actions. Either you have faith or you have works. James, and John Wesley, both disagree with this type of destructive digcotimony. When it comes to faith and deeds, our spiritual journey is both/ and. We need to both witness with our words and with our actions. We need to have both faith and works. Why? Because our faith is made evident by our actions.
I once had a spiritual mentor describe our lives as a cup on a saucer. God is pouring abundant blessing into our lives, like water filling the teacup. After a while the water starts to cross the brim of the cup and spill over into the saucer. So it is with our faith. We live out of the abundance of what God is spilling over in our lives, through both faith and actions. By both word and deeds. All so that others may come to know the love of a Savior. 
How can we make sure that our faith and our works are linked together?
How is your faith evidenced through actions?
Prayer: Lord, today we lay down the false belief that we have had as a church that our faith is either/or in terms of faith and action. Allow us boldly be both/and people, showing our love and gratitude for you in both words and actions, in both faith and deeds. Amen. 

Friday: “Speak Up” - Proverbs 31:8-9
Wesley believed that part of our works of mercy included speaking up for those whom society has pushed to the margins. Speaking up for those who are often ignored. Proverbs speaks to this type of works of mercy. Sometimes we need to put our own social collateral on the line for the sake of others. Wesley did this when he wrote and preached against slavery. What is God calling you to speak up about?
What is the difference between speaking up for those who are oppressed and simply speaking your mind?
How can we collectively, as a church, live into Proverbs 31: 8-9?
Prayer: Lord, sometimes we just like to hear ourselves talk. Sometimes we think we are defending others, when really we just continue to marginalize and hurt them. Use our words in a mighty way to show you tender care and mercy for those who are in need and who are often overlooked and forgotten. Strengthen us for what is right, we pray. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “While We Wait: Hope” - James 4:10, Matthew 1: 1-17

Family Activity: Pick a service project together. Talk about why we serve others as Christians. How did serving make you feel? How did it share the love of Jesus? 

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