November 29th, 2020
“Daniel’s Hope in God”
Daniel 6: 6-27
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog
Monday: “Conspired” - Daniel 6: 6-9
The Veggie Tale’s Song “Oh, No! What We Gonna Do?” Is one that has always stuck with me, even all of these decades later, around the story of Daniel. The people who are described in this passage of scripture as those who wanted to conspire against Daniel come onto the screen and start to sing “Oh no! What we gonna do? The king likes Daniel more than me and you. Oh, no! What we gonna do? We gotta get him out of here.”
The song goes on to list all of these ways that those who wanted Daniel out of the way could get rid of him. But it is this chorus that plays through my mind. What’s the problem? The king likes Daniel more than them. How does that make them feel? Jealous.
Jealousy can sneak up on us before we even realize it. It can start out as coveting what your neighbor has - wanting their material items or success. But before you know it, it seeps into your heart and worms its way into your thoughts until it consumes you. What started out as jealousy lead to the death of those who tried to conspire against Daniel, in more ways than one.
How does jealousy creep into your life?
Prayer: God, we confess that we are a jealous people in our hearts. We are not content with what we have. We want the praise of others or to be like more than the person next to us. Forgive us, O Lord. Rid us of jealousy before it destroys us, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday: “Continued” - Daniel 6: 10-13
When the King made laws they were not secret. They were often proclaimed by heralds or posted in places where people could read them. People knew what the laws were so there would be no way that you could claim that you were unaware.
Yet, Daniel, fully knowing that the king has signed into law a decree that no-one else could be worshipped for the next 30 days, continues to worship and pray to his God, the God of Israel. He continues to go and pray, facing Jerusalem, several times a day.
Often we will use the word devotion to describe our quiet time with God, but devotion also reminds us of the love and loyalty that we have to God. It’s not just our prayers - its what leads us to prayer in the first place. Daniel lives a life that is truly devoted to God, even knowing that may have deadly consequences for him.
What does the word ‘devotion’ mean to you?
Prayer: Lord, we want to have hearts that are devoted to you and you alone. Give us the steadfastness to come before you in prayer. Call us to a life of love of you, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday: “Deliver” - Daniel 6: 14-18
When the King realized that the law had been crafted in deceit to lead to Daniel’s death, he is distressed. He goes out to Daniel, as he is about to be put in the sealed pit with the lions and says “May your God, whom you faithfully serve, deliver you.”
The King realizes that all of that power that he thought he had was nothing. He realized that everything that led him to sign this edict in the first place was fleeting. And he says this one sentence - May your God deliver you.
The King realized that in many ways he caused this, but perhaps Daniel’s God could fix it. While the ways of the King seemingly lead to death, maybe Daniel’s God can forge the path for life.
We often deceive ourselves if we think it is by our own power and might that we can be delivered. The King realized that it is God alone who can save.
Tell of a time when you tried to do something on your own. How were you reminded of the power of God?
Prayer: God, we confess that we can get so caught up in our own ideas and way that we can ignore you. We can be blinded to our own sin and it can lead to harm - harm for us and harm of others. Forgive us, O Lord. Restore to us the road to salvation - your salvation - we pray. Amen.
Thursday: “My God” - Daniel 6: 19-24
Darius couldn’t eat or sleep and when dawn came he ran to the pit to find out Daniel’s fate. When he called down into the pit, essentially asking if Daniel was alive, Daniel replied with a word of testimony - God had saved him. God had sent angels to shut the mouths of the lions.
And the King was glad. Daniel had been saved.
But those who had conspired against Daniel did not have the same fate. For their sin they were thrown into the pit - the same pit that Daniel had just came out of - along with their entire families and they died.
What will our testimony be each day? How can we give glory to God for saving us? And who can be touched by what we have to proclaim?
What is your testimony?
Prayer: Lord, we join Daniel in praising you for all that you have done for us. You have saved us as well, Precious Lord. Our story may be different than Daniel’s in content, but the effect is just as powerful. Let us bear witness to your glorious name, we pray. Amen.
Friday: “A Decree” - Daniel 6: 25-27
Darius then writes a new decree to all the peoples - that everyone under his rule should fear Daniel’s God. For it is God who’s dominion will not end. It is God who saves. It is God who is powerful. God alone.
On one hand, it would appear that Darius has not yet had his own experience with God since he still refers to him as “Daniel’s God.” Yet, he has been transformed by the power of what he witnessed through Daniel’s life.
Our lives can serve as a testimony to others as well. That is why we tell of how our story intersects with the story of God - because we do not know who will be touched and changed.
How do you share your testimony with others?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for being the reason that we have a story to tell. May our joy and our salvation rest in you alone! Amen!
Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Joel: God’s Promised Spirit” - Joel 2:12-13, 28-29.