Monday, October 28, 2019

The Christian Wallet: Work to Live or Live to Work? Devo

October 27th, 2019
“The Christian Wallet: Work to Live or Live to Work?” -
    Matthew 5: 13-16 and Ecc 5:12
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Salt” - Matthew 5:13
  In my second year of seminary, my ministry placement was at a retreat center where I created worship for guests coming in. And I cooked. A lot. Every weekend my supervisor and I would host a Biblical feast, teaching people about feasting as celebration in scripture. 
One of the things you learn very quickly in a setting like that is that salt is your friend. Whenever you boil water, you salt it. You put salt on food while it was cooking to draw out its natural flavors. If you fail to put salt on, it often wasn’t as good as it could have been. 
When Jesus is teaching his disciples that they are the salt of the earth, he is asking them to help draw out the God flavor. That may seem like an odd concept, but the Message puts it this way, “If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?”.
As the salt of the earth, we help point people to God. We help show them God and taste and see that our God is good. 
How do you help to point people to God?
Prayer: God of mercy and grace, we confess that sometimes we fail to point people to you. Sometimes we don’t live in a way that points people to the goodness of your Kingdom. Forgive us, O Lord. Help us to see the blessing in being the salt of the earth. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Light” - Matthew 5: 14-16
Light is meant to be used to illuminate the way for people. When Jesus teaches that we are the light of the world, it means that we are to shine forth as a message and the ones who lead people to the beauty and truth of the Kingdom. 
In a modern world, where we can flick on a light switch, we sometimes miss out on the power of what Jesus is communicating to his disciples. Have you ever tried to do something by candle light? Even when it is on a lamp stand, its not the same as having a lightbulb power on a room. Instead, a lamp stand, like a flashlight, helps lead people step by step to their destination. 
When we say that we are to let our light shine before others it does not mean that we need to have all the answers or have it all together. Instead, we are the light guiding people step by step to Jesus. 
How does your light shine before others?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that sometimes we hide our light. We are afraid that people are going to ask us tough questions that we don’t have answers for. Free us, Precious Lord, to remember that our light simply points people to the much greater light in you, we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Enjoy Their Work” - Ecc 3:22
Is your work enjoyable? Sure, we all can have rough days, but as a whole, is your work something that brings you joy? Something that you are passionate about? If not, why do you think that is?
We have been tricked into thinking that work, whether it is something that we are paid for or not, should be hard and burdensome. But back in Genesis, God gave Adam work, not as a burden but in order that he be part of this much bigger thing that God was doing in the Garden. 
Our work should give us value. This is not the same as what we earn on our paycheck. But value and joy because we know that we are doing something that brings honor and glory to God. 
Would you consider your work to be joyful? Why or why not?
Prayer: Lord, restore to us your joy this day. Not the joy that comes from ourselves, but the joy that comes from knowing that we are following your call on our lives. Equip us and use us, we pray. Amen. 

Thursday: “The Laborers” -Ecc 5:12
  What comes to your mind when you hear the word labor? Often we think of something incredibly demanding, but labor can also be rewarding. In Ecclesiastes we find the words that sweet is the sleep of labors. In other words, when we work hard we find our rest, not because we have exhausted ourselves, but because our rest is in God. 
Another way that we work or labor, is when we come together as the people of God. The word liturgy actually means work of the people. We labor together when we sing songs and pray to God. And as we worship together we are emboldened to go out and labor for what God is doing in the world.  
  How do we work together for the Kingdom?
Prayer: Lord, in your Word you tell us that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Lord, restore in us the zeal to go forth and labor for your Kingdom, sharing the Good News with all that we meet. Amen.

Friday: “Rest” - Ex. 23:12
  As we rediscover what the Bible says about work, so we must rediscover what the scriptures say about rest as well. Sabbath, or the day set apart to be restored, is one of the ten commandments. This idea traces its roots the whole way back to Creation, where God rested on the seventh day. If God, who never is exhausted, rested, should we not rest as well?
I often tell people that the pace of the world that we live in now is exhausting. Many people do not work 8 hours 5 days a week. Instead, they have to work two or more jobs, going all the time. There is not space to rest. And when we do rest, we run from one place to another, trying to catch up on everything that we were not able to fit in during the week while we were working. 
We are in need of Sabbath. Space to let God speak into our hearts and remind us who we are created to be. 
How are work and rest connected? How can we find rest in such a busy world?
Prayer: Lord, we come to you for refreshment. Give us space to find our rest, our peace, our very being in you. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word

You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “The Christian Wallet: The Joy of Simplicity” - Matthew 6: 19-21. 

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