Sunday, January 21, 2018

Essential Prayers: Wow - Psalm 98 Devo

January 21st, 2018
“Essential Prayers: Wow” - Psalm 98
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Marvelous Things” - Psalm 98:1 
At first glance, sometimes we can think that there isn’t much difference between prayers of “thanks” and “wow” - prayers of thanksgiving and amazement. However, they are different things. 
There are many different ways to pray, but one popular method that is taught is A.C.T.S. - adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. Even in this method the “wow” of adoration is separated from the “thank you” of thanksgiving. What is the difference?
Adoration is when we praise God. If anyone is worthy of our affection and praise it is God, for in the words of todays Psalmist, God has done marvelous things. God has done awesome things, but God is also simply worthy of our praise for being God. In contrast, thanksgiving, is an intentional time to say thank you for what God has done and for us to express our gratitude. 
Do you find yourself expressing both adoration and Thanksgiving in your prayer life?
How are adoration and thanksgiving connected for you? How are they different? 
Prayer: God, we want to take time this week to stand amazed in your presence. To adore you for simply being God. Lord, we ask that you open up our hearts and fill them with praise for you, again and again. In the mighty name of our Lord, Jesus, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Revealed His Righteousness” - Psalm 98: 2-3
We all have different places in our life when we feel the presence of God with us. Different places where we stand amazed at the presence of our Creator. For me, most often those places are in nature. When I am out amongst God’s creation, whether in be at camp, or hiking on the trails in the area, or watching the sun set at the beach, I am amazed that God created all of this. That God had the imagination to think certain flowers and colors into being. 
The problem we face over time, if we do not foster a sense of continual amazement, is that we become desensitized to the beauty around us. We no longer take time to notice the intricacies of creation or we simply drive right past, hurrying to get to our next location.
Take time today to be in the places where you are amazed by God. Take time to slow down and appreciate what God has created and praise God for the overwhelming sense of awe you feel. 
Where are the places you are amazed by God?
When are the times in your life that you battle feeling desensitized to the awe you have in God? How can you take steps to reclaim this sense of amazement?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that sometimes in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we find ourselves no longer as amazed at you, Precious Lord. We also confess that as our sense of amazement fades, so does our focus on praising you. Help us recapture that sense of awe this day, Lord. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Shout for Joy” - Psalm 98:4-6
We all have different ways that we praise God. It took me a while to realize this truth of our faith. It wasn’t until I was in college and was in a worship service where different people were encouraged to express their adoration towards God however they felt led, that I saw the true beauty of praise. Little children waved prayer ribbons. People sang their heart out. Others sat in silence and prayer. Some played tambourines. Others had different instruments. No one was told how they should praise God, it was simply what felt right to them in their heart.
Sometimes we get in a rut with our worship of God. We find ourselves making comments about how things “should” be, when really such statements simply reflect our personal preferences. The Psalmist today shows the many dimensions of praise - shouting, bursting into song, making music. None of it is better than the other or more correct than the next action. We are simply to let our heart praise God!
What ways do you find yourself praising God most often?
What different ways have you praised God over the years?
Prayer: Lord, today we ask that you break open any hardness that may in our heart around praising you. Help us to set aside any thoughts of how we ought or ought not to praise, and instead simply let our heart deeply connect with you. Amen!

Thursday: “Resound…Clap…Sing” - Psalm 98: 7-8
In scripture we are told that if we fail to praise God, then even the earth will respond in praise. But this particular Psalm words this differently, that the earth doesn’t respond in praise if we fail to, rather that the whole earth joins us in praising God.
Perhaps one of the closest things we have in our human world to seeing the totality of the earth praise God is small children. I have two small nieces and one nephew. The girls love to dance. Nothing brings my heart such joy as watching them dance to music, clap their hands, and express their pure delight at what is going on around them.
Something similar I think happens in creation. Creation praises God because it was created to praise God. It responds in joy and pure delight. The trouble comes as adults when that joy starts to fade away. We don’t respond in pure delight to God as often. Let us reclaim having the child like wonder in our heart again this day. 
How do you delight in God?
What does child like wonder look like in your life?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that some where along the way, we have set aside our child like wonder. We start to be people who claim to know more about you then we actually do and ask questions less. We let thoughts of how we ought to act replace responding in utter delight. Forgive us, O Lord, and help us claim such joy again in our lives. 

Friday: “Judge” - Psalm 98:9
After a psalm filled with praise, we find an interesting ending, where the Psalmist speaks of God coming to judge the world in righteousness. That doesn’t seem like the happiest ending to a Psalm of praise. But part of the reason that we adore God for being God, is that God is the Righteous Judge over us and over the entire earth. We don’t like to think about that fact, or talk about it too often. And if we do talk about God as Judge it is often in identifying the other people that God will judge, those who are not like us.
However, God is coming to judge the whole earth. How would God respond if he judged me? If he judged you? Are our hearts in a state of praise towards God? Do we give God the respect, honor, and praise that he is due? Or do we live our lives as if God is absent? Let us examine our hearts this day. 
How do you think God would respond if he judged your life today? What would you want to change? What would you want to continue? 
How does your life glorify God?
Prayer: Lord, we know that you are the great judge. We ask, as you examine our hearts this day, that you point out to us the places we may be blind to. Those areas where you want to draw us closer to yourself. Reveal your heart to us, Lord, so our hearts can respond in return. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Habakkuk - Complaining Hearts” - Hab. 1 

Family Activity: Make a praise chain. Write down the things you want to praise God for on slips of paper and connect them on a paper chain. How long can you make your chain? How much do you have to praise God for? 

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