Sunday, May 21, 2017

“The Seven Next Words of Christ: Go Into the World” - Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24: 45-49, Mark 16: 15-18 Dev

May 21st, 2017  
“The Seven Next Words of Christ: Go Into the World” - Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24: 45-49, Mark 16: 15-18
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Go” - Matthew 28: 18-19
Jesus is alive. Jesus conquered the grave and walked amongst his disciples for a period of time before ascending back into Heaven. While others had risen from the grave before, like Lazarus, they would once again be confined to the grave, but Jesus would not. During the short time he walked in this world following his resurrection, he had a message that he greatly wanted to impart to his disciples - to go. 
This command to go and make disciples of all the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is not just contained to the early disciples. It is our mission as well. But sometimes we can get tied up in the bigness of what Jesus is commanding to the point where we are afraid to share the gospel at all. We need to take baby steps to share the gospel - or to use a sports metaphor you need to be able to walk before you can run. 
What do you think Jesus means by “all the world”?
What small steps are you being called to take in order to share the Gospel?
Prayer: Jesus, we confess that at times we have heard the words of your great commission and we have ignored them. We have thought they aren’t for us or that we aren’t up to the task. We have been paralyzed by the enormity of what you are calling us to do as your followers. Forgive us, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: “I Am With You Always” - Matthew 28:20
Jesus is essentially handing his ministry, the ministry that he has been modeling for his disciples for three years, off into their hands now. People will either hear, or fail to hear, the Good News of the Gospel because of their actions or inactions. Note that I am not saying that the acceptance of the Gospel by others is their responsibility, for that lies with the Holy Spirit, but they are tasked to go and share about Jesus.
But Jesus is not sending them out alone. Previously, the disciples had been sent out two by two for a period of time - now they are being sent out with Jesus at their side. While Christ may not be physically with them, the Holy Spirit is within them as believers, and they are accompanied by the strength, wisdom, and power of Jesus Christ.
When we share the Gospel, Christ and the Holy Spirit are with us as well. Sharing the Gospel is not optional as a believer of Jesus Christ, but when we do share about the Good News, we know that we are not alone. 
What are we invited to share in order to make disciples?
What prevents you from sharing the good news?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for not calling us to the task of sharing your Good News alone. We believe that your peace and presence go with us when we testify to your power in our lives. Thank you, Lord! May your Spirit prime hearts and minds to accept your Word as we share, so that lives may be transformed. Amen. 

Wednesday: “ You are Witnesses” - Luke 24: 45-49
When Jesus walked on the earth after his resurrection, he continued to teach the disciples about the scriptures. Even though they had heard Jesus speak about his death and resurrection, and he was now standing before them, they still didn’t fully understand. 
We can study scripture our whole lives and there will still be things that we don’t fully understand - things that we need repeated to us and places where Jesus needs to continue to speak in our lives. We cannot use a lack of understanding about everything as an excuse to not speak about what we do know. Do we know that Jesus loves us? Do we know that we can confess our sins and Jesus will forgive us? Do we know that Jesus has changed out lives? These are things that we can witness about to others. We don’t need to have the answer to everything to share about anything. We are simply called to speak from our hearts and to testify to God’s goodness in our lives through Christ. 
Think about your testimony. How can you share the story of how Jesus touched your life with others. 
Prayer: God, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ we rebuke the Devil trying to tell us that we are not good enough or smart enough to share Good News. We see now that these messages are used by the Devil to distract us from the work you call us to. Empower us, anew, precious Lord, and send us out to testify to your love, mercy, and grace. Amen. 

Thursday: “Go and Proclaim” - Mark 16: 15
When Jesus tells us to go and proclaim he does not do so with a road map in most instances. I recently read a book about a young girl who was greatly impacted by sport missionaries in Africa. As the book shared the background on the different missionaries, one thing that struck me was that going to Africa was just about the last thing on any of their minds, but when God called, they responded.
We aren’t all called to go overseas, but we are all called to go into the world to proclaim the Good News. This may mean proclaiming it at the places we shop by how we interact with folks in the store or sales clerks. It may mean rethinking our vacation time to go on a trip with Volunteers in Mission. It may mean being intentional about offering to pray with people we talk to on the phone. The list is endless. How is Jesus calling you to go and how will you respond?
What are some of the ways you can “go” into the world today?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for calling each of us to go different places to share your good news. Thank you Lord, that together as the body of Christ, with our different gifts and talents, you can use us to reach the whole world. Strengthen us, O Lord, to go in your name. Amen. 

Friday: “Great Things” - Mark 16: 16-18
Recently, at a youth camp, I head the preacher describe this passage as great things. As followers of Jesus we are called to do great things in his name. While some would bulk at what Mark is saying, I would explain it this way - Mark is not saying that we all need to go and pick up snakes with our hands, drink poison, or speak in tongues. But he is giving this list as the an example of the incredible things that people will be able to do in the name of Jesus Christ.
Which begs the question, what amazing things can we each do in the name of Jesus Christ. We don’t need to be perfect in order to serve Christ. The disciples were broken individual with flaws, just like us. But the Gospel reminds us that Jesus wants his followers to remember that because of God’s saving love as seen in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we now have power. We have power to do great things if only we go forth in Jesus’s name. 
What great things do you feel Jesus calling you to?
Prayer: Lord, it is hard for us to grasp at times that you call us, as flawed as we are, to serve you. We have an even harder time grasping what great things we can do in the world by the power of your name. Embolden us, O Lord. Use us. And make your name known. Amen!

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “The Seven Next Words of Christ: Have You Caught Any Fish?” - John 21:1-23

Family Activity: What are some ways that you can serve Jesus as a family right where you are?

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