February 5th, 2017
“Wesleyan Wisdom: Scripture” - Psalm 1
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog www.revmichelle.blogspot.com
Monday: “Blessed” - Psalm 1:1
In ancient societies, people were considered blessed when they followed the ways of the Lord. It was believed that when you followed the law, God would bless you with good health, children for lineage, etc. But when the law was disregarded you would be cursed.
We know today, especially from the scriptural example of faithful people like Job, that this is not always the case. Blessings are not always tangible, but rather things of eternal value and significance. What are some of the ways that you have been blessed by following the ways of the Lord?
What are some blessings you have experienced by following the Lord?
Tell of a time you have experienced something of eternal significance by following the path of the Lord.
Prayer: Jesus, we know that sometimes our hearts wander far from you. Sometimes we walk down the path of the wicked instead of following where you lead. Helps us find the blessing in following you, precious Lord. Amen.
Tuesday: “Meditate” - Psalm 1:2
Another translation of this verse reads “those who delight in the law of the Lord meditate on it day and night.” What does it mean to meditate on the law of the Lord? It means that we reflect upon it. That we hold it in our hearts.
One of my favorite ways to meditate is called Lectio Divinea - it involves reading a passage very slowly several times, both out loud and in silence, seeing what words or phrases catch your attention. When something speaks to you, you meditate on that word or phrase - slowly bringing it up throughout the day.
The Word of the Lord never ceases to speak to us, and often different pieces capture our attention at different times.
How do you meditate on the Word of the Lord?
Prayer: Lord, we want to delight in your word. Help us to constantly turn to your word for guidance and life giving ways. Help us to never cease to meditate on your Word. Amen!
Wednesday: “ Yield Fruit” - Psalm 1:3
Part of our struggle with scripture is that we want immediate results. Sometimes, instead of meditating, we want to read it once, get a cosmic check mark, and be rewarded. But the reward of meditating on scripture is the meditating itself. When we dwell on the word of the Lord, it is like we are a tree, firmly planted, that yield fruit in its season.
Sometimes the season prior to yielding fruit is long. It is hard. It is a time of waiting. But we keep dwelling on scripture - keep meditating during this season, trusting that time will come when we yield the fruit that God desires us to yield.
What images do you relate to as you read the word of God?A river? A tree?
What fruit is God using you to yield?
Prayer: Lord, we thank you for the gift of your Word. We thank you that it nourishes us, as a stream nourishes the tree. We yield ourselves to you, asking that you use us to bear fruit for the sake of the Kingdom. Amen.
Thursday: “Blows Away” - Psalm 1: 4-5
While those who dwell on the word of God are like strong trees nourished by flowing steams, it is not so with the wicked. The wicked are like chaff - the part of the wheat that the wind separates and blows away, leaving only the grain that is useful.
Sometimes we jump in and try to do God’s job- we try to separate the wheat from the chaff. But the reality is when we spend so much of our time judging, we are usually not meditating. Let us let God be God, and let God do the work of blowing way the chaff.
Are you ever tempted to blow away the chaff on your own? What is the result?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that sometimes we focus more on the actions and attitudes of others then on our own. We also confess that sometimes we let our judgments get in the way of our spiritual nourishment through dwelling on the Word. Forgive us we, pray. Amen.
Friday: “Watches Over” - Psalm 1:6
What meditating should do is draw us closer to God. It should help us trust God and trust the ways of God that lead to the abundant life. But when we forget that God is in charge, forget that God watches over the ways of the righteous, we start to take matters into our own hands. There is certainly a time when God calls us to act and to speak out against injustice. There are certainly times that God wants us to speak words of truth in love. But we need to be called to those things by our prayer lives and meditating on God’s word - not acting on our own for what we think is best.
Let us grow with God - trusting God more each day and listening for the call of God upon our lives.
What reminds us that God is watching over us?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for watching over us. Thank your for holding the world in your hands. Nourish us and use us in a way that is a reflection of your love, we pray. Amen.
Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Wesleyan Wisdom: Tradition ” - Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12
Family Activity: Plant something together (indoors during this time of the year). What do you need for the plant to grow? What do we need to grow with God?
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