Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ep 2 Devo

November 13th, 2016 
“Exploring Ephesians: Alive in Christ” - Eph 2: 1-10
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Dead in Sin” -  Eph 2: 1-2
There is a problem with sin - we don’t like to admit that we are sinners or how dangerous sin is. Sure, we are great at pointing out the sin in other people’s lives, but when it comes to looking at the sin in our own, we start to hesitate. Perhaps it is simply too painful or requires too much introspection, but whatever the case may be, when we cannot admit our sin, we cannot see how powerful sin can be in our lives, and as a result give into its power even more. It is a vicious cycle. 
The writer of Ephesians recognizes the power that sin can have in our life when it is unchecked and unconfessed. He writes that we are dead through our trespasses and sin. This is powerful language. But he also reminds us that this was the power that we used to live under, before submitting ourselves to the lordship of Christ. Through Christ we have become new people, who have the power and freedom to choose to be obedient to God. 
Do you find it easy or difficult to confess your sin before God? Why?
What power did sin have in your life prior to coming under the lordship of Christ? How did Christ change you life?
Prayer: Loving God, we thank you every single day for the gracious gift of Jesus Christ. We thank you, that though Christ’s sacrifice we have the power to be free from the grip of sin that leads to dead. Help us to claim this power, O God, and choose to be obedient to the leading of your Spirit. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Passions of the Flesh” - Eph 2:3
One of the ways that sin has power over us, is that it deceives us into thinking that we are not in sin. Today’s passage is a perfect example of one that has been taken out of context and can lead to such deception.
When folks read “passions of the flesh” they think primary of sexual sins, which are plentiful. But when we think that passions of the flesh only refer to such sins, we miss the sin that it is trying to point out in our own lives. Do you struggle with pride? This is a passion of the flesh. How about greed or envy? These are passions of the flesh as well. Gluttony? This is certainly a passion of the flesh? Disobedience to God? This is a passion of the flesh as well. The point the author of Ephesians is trying to make is that we all struggle with passions of the flesh - sins that turn us away from the heart of God, that must be confessed. 
What sins do you struggle with? How does such sin block you from growing in your relationship with God?
Prayer:  Lord, forgive us for the times that we see the sin in our neighbor’s life, but fail to recognize the sin in our own. Reveal to us any unconfessed sin in our life around passions of the flesh. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, who came to break the power of sin. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Great Love” - Eph 2: 4-5
A basic tenant of our faith is that we are saved by God’s love for us and God’s great grace - offering that to us which we do not deserve. We cannot do anything to earn God’s love or grace or salvation, we simply need to accept the gift that is being offered.
This can cause great anxiety among Christians who tend to want confirmation of their salvation. How can I know that I am truly saved? Pastor Jeff Paschal reminds us that we need not be anxious about our salvation to the point of continually asking if we are saved. When we do so, it seems like we do not trust God or trust the gift that is being offered. Instead, once we accept Christ in our hearts, we need to trust God for our salvation. Trust that God truly has forgiven our past sins. Trust that God loves us and God’s grace will hold us. This is not a free license to sin, instead it is the gift to grow with Christ and trust God for our salvation. 
How do you know that you are saved? Is this a struggle for you? Why or why not?
How are God’s great love and the gift of salvation we are given the choice to accept connected?
Prayer: Lord, free us to trust you for our salvation. Free us to reply upon your love. Banish Satan from confusing us about our salvation or causing us to doubt your trustworthiness. Thank you Lord, for being rich in mercy, love, and grace, all for our sake. Amen. 

Thursday: “Immeasurable Riches” - Eph 6-7
Not only has God been gracious enough to make a way for our salvation through Christ, but God promises us immeasurable riches in Christ. Some preachers would have us believe that these are tangible riches - if you believe in Christ then you will be wealthy in terms of money. However, that is not what the author of Ephesians is saying. Instead, he is pointing to the riches that given to us in heaven - the gift of eternal life. And the intangible riches that are given to us in this life when we serve God - the blessings we receive when we strive to bless others. 
What riches have you received because of your relationship with Christ? 
Prayer: God, thank you for your immeasurable riches showered upon us because of the grace and kindness that you have show us through Christ. Help us to share these great gifts with others so that they may come to accept you as their Lord and Savior. We pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Friday: “No One May Boast” - Eph 2: 8-10
Over the years, some of the teachings from Ephesians, as well as other parts of the Bible have been taken out of context and twisted to not mean what the author was trying to communicate. Today’s passage is one of those. 
When the author of Ephesians states that our salvation is a gift from God and not a result of our own works, this does not mean that we are absolved from working for God. It simply means that we are saved by faith, not by our good works. In other words, we cannot earn our spots in heaven. However, once we are believers, we are called to share our faith through works. The author of Ephesians is not saying that we should never do anything to share the faith. On the contrary - in the words of Pastor Jeff Paschal, “Good works are  expressions of Christ alive in us ministering to the world. Good works are demonstrations of our present reality and future.” We are not told not to do good works; we are simply being told that good works will not earn our salvation, or else we would be able to boast in what we have done, instead of what God is doing. 
How are good works an expression of Christ alive in us?
How are salvation and good works related or not related?
Prayer: God, help us to be share the faith with others through good works. Let us not depend on good works to earn our salvation, but let us do good works as an expression of our faith, so that others may come to give honor and glory to your name alone. Amen!

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Exploring Ephesians: Maturing in Christ” - Eph 4: 1-16

Write down as a family the gifts you have received because of Christ’s love for us. Take time to pray, thanking God for these good gifts and giving God all the glory. 

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