Monday, December 19, 2016

Jesus's Wish List

 What would possibly be on Jesus's Wish List?

Jesus’s Birthday List

Checks can be made out to: SUSUMC
Please write the advanced special number in the memo line.
Please place in the offering plate. 

Neighborhood Center, Harrisburg PA (#7000)
Neighborhood Center serves at risk, low-income, and inner-city children, youth, and families with educational, cultural, human service, basic needs, and recreational programs in the name of Jesus Christ.

Conference Work Camps (#7010)
This ministry helps with the cost of materials for work camps organized by the conference VIM council. Theses works camps have included work with congregations within the borders of the Conference and our camping and retreat centers.

Dental and Healthcare for Season Workers (#7025)
This ministry was expanded to provide assistance to season workers for dental and health needs. Partnering with local care providers in Adams County and surrounding areas to make sure that seasonal workers are cared for in the name of Christ.

Prison Ministries with SUSUMC (#7035)
The Prison Ministries has provided camp scholarships to children of those incarcerated within our congregations, has provided counseling to inmates re-entering the community, and supports local congregations and other groups ministering to those imprisoned.

The Center for Spiritual Formation (#7040)
The Center for Spiritual Formation seeks to advocate and demonstrate spiritual disciplines through retreats, seminars, continuing education events, a two-year Ministry of Spiritual Direction course and  a two-year Lay Seminary. 

Daystar Center for Spiritual Recovery (#7030)
This ministry provides addiction recovery services and requires clients to connect within a spiritual community. They offer daily devotions, individual and group counseling, life-skills training, case management, weekly Bible studies and small group ministries.

Endless Mountain Mission Center (#7020)
The EMMC provides temporary housing to the homeless in one of three temporary housing units, aid with utility assistance, emergency food and referrals to other agencies.

Mission Central (#7050)
Since 2002, thousands of volunteers have come to service to “connect God’s resources with human needs.” This ministry processes UMCOR relief kits to be distributed around the world, provide supplies for national and international needs, and assists in projects that are sending God’s love around the world.

Camp Curtain Memorial Mitchell Soup Kitchen (#7065)
The soup kitchen ministers to a neighborhood in Harrisburg by offering a noon-time meal Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. 

Join Hands Ministry (#7045)
Join Hands provides assistance for those in times of financial hardship and distress. This is a cooperative ministry among churches in Perry County.

Haiti Partnership (#8035)
The Haiti Partnership’s miss is with the people of Haiti to form relationships based on mutual respect and liven Christ. 

Sierra Leone Initiative (#8030)
SLI provides financial assistance to clergy in Sierra Leone through a covenant relationship between the conference and SLI.

Bolivia Mission Initiative (#8105)
The Bolivia Mission Initiative is a multifaceted connection with our brother and sisters in the vicinity of Cochabamba in central Bolivia and also a the medical clinic. There is a focus on children, medical needs, evangelism, and community development.

York Day Camp (#8140)
The vision of the York City Day camp is to share Jesus with the children of York City. It is a four week program for children entering 1st -6th grade. 

In Mission Together - Thailand Initiative (#2615)
This is a program in connection with the General Board of Global Missions that seeks to make disciples in Thailand by working with Thai churches and missionaries. 

Wesley Foundation (#7100)
St Paul’s UMC and the Wesley Foundation serves all students at Penn State University Park. 

Bishop’s Partners in Mission (#7090)

The Partners in Mission Fund will be used for local and global missions of the United Methodist Church under the direction of the presiding Bishop of the Susquehanna Conference. Currently this fund is being used for Imagine No Malaria and to reduce the debt of Mission Central. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Scandalous Love of God

   Christmas is the season of love. The season that reminds us again and again of God's love for us as seen in Jesus Christ. The question is - how are we going to share that love with others during this season. And more importantly, how are we going to share that love year round?
   The ministerium recently met with different social service agencies in the area to talk about how we can partner together. One of the directors reminded us of something important, while they serve people year round, churches give a collective effort to help meet the needs of folks 1 or 2 months a year.
    This is one way we can share the love of God - helping those in our communities in need. We can also call folks we haven't seen in a while. Write cards filled with scriptures and messages of hope. The list goes on and on. We are each gifted to share the love of God in different ways with different people. What is most important is sharing the love of God. How will you share this season?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Giving Up on Perfection

     In order to be able to see the miracles that surround us every day we need to admit that life is messy. We need to see the miracles in the midst of the messiness, not inspite of it. Part of what can damper our holiday spirit is the belief that everything we do during the holiday season needs to be perfect. Without flaw. Just as we imagine it in our mind. But we know that life isn't like that. Things go differently than planned and as a result we think that miracles cannot exist outside of planned perfection. Brothers and sisters, what is God trying to show you in the midst of the messiness? How is God showing up for you in the midst of the chaos? What is God trying to reveal to you through the imperfection that is true life?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Expect a Miracle

    Christmas is the season of miracles. The miracle of Jesus Christ coming to us, fully human and fully divine. The miracle of Christ being born in the lowest of circumstances, though he was to be our King. The miracle of a star guiding men from afar. The miracle of angels breaking out into glorious songs that changed shepherd's lives. The miracles of Christmas.
    But the truth is we experience miracles every season. Really, we experience miracles every day, but all too often we take them for grant it. We start to demand miracles from God instead of seeing them as gifts. And we shut off our ears and hearts and eyes from receiving all that God is trying to bless us with.
   What every day miracles do you need to thank God for? What miracles are you missing in the midst of the pace of this season?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Exploring Ephesians: Maturing in Christ

    Growth. Those of you who know me know that I am short. Under 5 foot to be exact. Short enough to still be adding quarter of inches together in order to seem just a bit taller. But that doesn't mean that I'm done growing.
    Growth is not just about physical height, it also speaks to spiritual depth. Part of United Methodist beliefs state that we are moving on to perfection - or a deeper love of God and neighbor. We are on this journey every single day.
    While we can see that we are growing, personally, the question I wish to pose is how what we say and do encourage this growth in others. I often tell folks in Bible study that the people you interact with today are uniquely placed there and you have the ability to impact them - for good or for ill. How do you use your daily interactions in order to spur on the spiritual growth of others?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ep 4 Devo

 November 20th, 2016  
“Exploring Ephesians: Maturing in Christ” -Eph 4: 1-16
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Life that is Worthy” - Eph 4: 1-3
How often do you stop and think about your life? Once a day? Once a week? How often do you stop and access where you are spiritually? To think about how God has blessed you and where God is calling you to go for the sake of the Gospel? 
The author of Ephesians urges the hearers of this letter to live a life worthy of the calling which they have received. However, in order to live this worthy life you must first take time to hear the call. We live in a world where everything else is trying to clamor for our attention - the computer, radio, TV, books, friends, family - the list goes on and on. How often do you take time to simply rest in God’s presence - to be still and listen for the voice of God? For all the other markers of living a life that is worthy of the call - humility, gentleness, patience, peace, love - they are fruits of the Spirits, fruits of listening to and growing with God. 
How can you make room in your life to simply be still and listen to God?
What distracts you the most from listening to God and/ or living a life that is worthy of the calling you’ve received?
Prayer: Jesus, sometimes we don’t know what it looks like to live a life that is worthy of the calling, because we have not taken time to listen and respond to your calling. Open up our ears and hearts so we can respond to your calling. Amen. 

Tuesday: “One” - Eph 4: 4-6
Every week during worship we read a creed together - a statement of what we believe. The author of Ephesians presents a version of a creed in today’s scripture passage - that there is one body and one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God. 
Sometimes as Christians we get caught up in what our differences are - the thing that set different denominations apart. But the author of Ephesians wants to remind us of that which makes us one - those beliefs that are true of all Christians - what are the basic tenants of the faith. For we need to know what we believe in order to share that with others, so that they can come to know the love of our One Lord, One Savior, Jesus Christ. 
Take time today to write down a creed - a statement about what are the basics of the faith as you understand them. How does your creed compare to that presented in Ephesians or the Apostles Creed we recite in worship? 
Prayer: Lord, we confess that at times we are hesitant to talk about our faith because we aren’t sure what we believe. We aren’t sure what are the most important things to share with others. So help us, O Lord, to find what is important and to uplift those things - those tenants of the faith that speak to who you are and how you love us. Thank you, O Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday: “ Given Grace” - Eph 4: 7-10
Notice the first verse of today’s scripture passage. But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. It does not say that we earned grace. Or that we were given grace according to how hard we worked. Grace is a gift. 
A few months ago during a Bible Study on Ephesians, we found a translation of the Bible that phrased grace as “special favor.” However, this type of special favor is so different from that of the world, that is based off of what we can do for others or our position or power. We were shown grace, or special favor, by God because of Christ. We were given the gift of grace not because of anything that we have done but because of Christ. Howe can we live our lives, after accepting this gift, in such a way as to uplift the name of God and glorify Christ? 
What does the gift of grace mean to you?
How has God shown you special favor? 
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the gift of grace. We know that we could never earn our way in heaven. We can never do enough or be good enough in order to earn grace. We are humbled by the love and grace shown to us on the cross. Thank you, Precious Lord! Amen. 

Thursday: “Unity of the Faith” - Eph 4: 11-13
We all need one another in the body of Christ. I am a firm believer that every local church is equipped with the gifts it needs in those who worship there in order to reach folks for Jesus Christ. We have all been given gifts - some of which are listed in this scripture passage - but we need all of the different gifts to come together, complimenting and supporting one another, in order to be the local church, in order to reach people for Jesus. 
When we come together, we exemplify what it means to be the body of Christ and build each other up. When we come together, under the Lordship of Jesus, we can mature together for the sake of the Gospel message. 
What has God gifted you to do and how can your gift or talent be used in the local church for Christ? 
Prayer: Lord, thank you for reminding us that we need one another. Thank you that your Spirit gives us everything we need, when we come together, in order to serve Christ and make your name known. Use us, we pray. Amen. 

Friday: “Must Grow Up” - Eph 4: 14-16
“God loves us too much in order to keep us where we are today”. I once heard a preacher make this powerful statement and it has stuck with me. God doesn’t want us to be the same place spiritually we are today, twenty years from now. We are called to grow up in Christ - to love God and love our neighbor more and more each day. In the words of John Wesley this is “going on towards perfection”. 
We are called to set aside our childish ways and scheming in order that Christ be more clearly known and seen in us. When we act in ways contrary to the love of Christ, we act like children, but when we continue to mature we can become complete in Christ.
How can you mature in your faith?
Prayer: Lord, help us to mature in our faith. We know that at times it seems easier to act like children, focusing on our own wants and desires instead of focusing on you. Free us from our childish ways and lead us to be more like you. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Exploring Ephesians: The Armor of God” - Eph 6: 10-20

Family Activity: Talk about what it means to grow up. What do they look forward to the most about growing up? What do they look forward to the least? What does it mean to grow up in Christ? 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Alive in Christ - Eph 2: 1-10

    One of the questions I remember being asked during my interview to be commissioned for ministry was about sin and evil. I think all too often we claim that "Satan made me do it", because we don't want to admit that how deep of a hold sin has in our life. If we blame all of the evil on the world on Satan, we don't have to do the hard work of looking at the evil that exists within ourselves because of the fall, which of course has Satan in the mix.
    The truth is we all struggle with sin. We struggle with the control that sin has on our lives, and seem to think that if we turn a blind eye long enough than it simply will go away or not exist at all, which isn't true. We only need to look as far as God's original plan for the world and compare it to how sin entered the world to see that things are not as they should be, not as God intended them to be.
    The problem is we are really good at identifying the sin in others lives and not so great at recognizing it in our own. It is a sin when we don't live by the power of the grace we have been saved by. It is a sin to think that your relationship with Christ is about doing just enough to get to heaven. It is a sin to not live like we are alive in Christ together. Which I am going to venture a guess makes us feel much more uncomfortable, because these are sins that church folks struggle with every single day.
   Let us take time to ask God to search us and know us. To peer into the depths of our hearts and confess any sin that is holding us back from our relationship with God. Let us ask Christ to free us from the chains that bind us, whatever they may be, so that we can grow deeper in love with God. Let us confess that times we have ignored the sin in our life or focused more on another's sin instead of our own. Let us seek God's grace to be made fully alive in Christ!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ep 2 Devo

November 13th, 2016 
“Exploring Ephesians: Alive in Christ” - Eph 2: 1-10
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Dead in Sin” -  Eph 2: 1-2
There is a problem with sin - we don’t like to admit that we are sinners or how dangerous sin is. Sure, we are great at pointing out the sin in other people’s lives, but when it comes to looking at the sin in our own, we start to hesitate. Perhaps it is simply too painful or requires too much introspection, but whatever the case may be, when we cannot admit our sin, we cannot see how powerful sin can be in our lives, and as a result give into its power even more. It is a vicious cycle. 
The writer of Ephesians recognizes the power that sin can have in our life when it is unchecked and unconfessed. He writes that we are dead through our trespasses and sin. This is powerful language. But he also reminds us that this was the power that we used to live under, before submitting ourselves to the lordship of Christ. Through Christ we have become new people, who have the power and freedom to choose to be obedient to God. 
Do you find it easy or difficult to confess your sin before God? Why?
What power did sin have in your life prior to coming under the lordship of Christ? How did Christ change you life?
Prayer: Loving God, we thank you every single day for the gracious gift of Jesus Christ. We thank you, that though Christ’s sacrifice we have the power to be free from the grip of sin that leads to dead. Help us to claim this power, O God, and choose to be obedient to the leading of your Spirit. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Passions of the Flesh” - Eph 2:3
One of the ways that sin has power over us, is that it deceives us into thinking that we are not in sin. Today’s passage is a perfect example of one that has been taken out of context and can lead to such deception.
When folks read “passions of the flesh” they think primary of sexual sins, which are plentiful. But when we think that passions of the flesh only refer to such sins, we miss the sin that it is trying to point out in our own lives. Do you struggle with pride? This is a passion of the flesh. How about greed or envy? These are passions of the flesh as well. Gluttony? This is certainly a passion of the flesh? Disobedience to God? This is a passion of the flesh as well. The point the author of Ephesians is trying to make is that we all struggle with passions of the flesh - sins that turn us away from the heart of God, that must be confessed. 
What sins do you struggle with? How does such sin block you from growing in your relationship with God?
Prayer:  Lord, forgive us for the times that we see the sin in our neighbor’s life, but fail to recognize the sin in our own. Reveal to us any unconfessed sin in our life around passions of the flesh. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, who came to break the power of sin. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Great Love” - Eph 2: 4-5
A basic tenant of our faith is that we are saved by God’s love for us and God’s great grace - offering that to us which we do not deserve. We cannot do anything to earn God’s love or grace or salvation, we simply need to accept the gift that is being offered.
This can cause great anxiety among Christians who tend to want confirmation of their salvation. How can I know that I am truly saved? Pastor Jeff Paschal reminds us that we need not be anxious about our salvation to the point of continually asking if we are saved. When we do so, it seems like we do not trust God or trust the gift that is being offered. Instead, once we accept Christ in our hearts, we need to trust God for our salvation. Trust that God truly has forgiven our past sins. Trust that God loves us and God’s grace will hold us. This is not a free license to sin, instead it is the gift to grow with Christ and trust God for our salvation. 
How do you know that you are saved? Is this a struggle for you? Why or why not?
How are God’s great love and the gift of salvation we are given the choice to accept connected?
Prayer: Lord, free us to trust you for our salvation. Free us to reply upon your love. Banish Satan from confusing us about our salvation or causing us to doubt your trustworthiness. Thank you Lord, for being rich in mercy, love, and grace, all for our sake. Amen. 

Thursday: “Immeasurable Riches” - Eph 6-7
Not only has God been gracious enough to make a way for our salvation through Christ, but God promises us immeasurable riches in Christ. Some preachers would have us believe that these are tangible riches - if you believe in Christ then you will be wealthy in terms of money. However, that is not what the author of Ephesians is saying. Instead, he is pointing to the riches that given to us in heaven - the gift of eternal life. And the intangible riches that are given to us in this life when we serve God - the blessings we receive when we strive to bless others. 
What riches have you received because of your relationship with Christ? 
Prayer: God, thank you for your immeasurable riches showered upon us because of the grace and kindness that you have show us through Christ. Help us to share these great gifts with others so that they may come to accept you as their Lord and Savior. We pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Friday: “No One May Boast” - Eph 2: 8-10
Over the years, some of the teachings from Ephesians, as well as other parts of the Bible have been taken out of context and twisted to not mean what the author was trying to communicate. Today’s passage is one of those. 
When the author of Ephesians states that our salvation is a gift from God and not a result of our own works, this does not mean that we are absolved from working for God. It simply means that we are saved by faith, not by our good works. In other words, we cannot earn our spots in heaven. However, once we are believers, we are called to share our faith through works. The author of Ephesians is not saying that we should never do anything to share the faith. On the contrary - in the words of Pastor Jeff Paschal, “Good works are  expressions of Christ alive in us ministering to the world. Good works are demonstrations of our present reality and future.” We are not told not to do good works; we are simply being told that good works will not earn our salvation, or else we would be able to boast in what we have done, instead of what God is doing. 
How are good works an expression of Christ alive in us?
How are salvation and good works related or not related?
Prayer: God, help us to be share the faith with others through good works. Let us not depend on good works to earn our salvation, but let us do good works as an expression of our faith, so that others may come to give honor and glory to your name alone. Amen!

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Exploring Ephesians: Maturing in Christ” - Eph 4: 1-16

Write down as a family the gifts you have received because of Christ’s love for us. Take time to pray, thanking God for these good gifts and giving God all the glory. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Lavishing Grace

   Questions to ponder about the radical love of God:

Who do we listen to more who the world says we are or who Christ’s says we are?

How difficult it can be, even when we have everything materially, to believe that we are the beloved of God?

What kind of life do we live as the beloved of God?

Let us pray:
   Loving God, may we claim that we are blessed in Christ. May we remember that we are chosen by Christ. Let us proclaim that we are adopted by Christ. In Christ, may we find our hope, our purpose, and our inheritance. Amen. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ephesians 1 Devo

November 6th, 2016
“Exploring Ephesians: Lavishing Grace”  - Eph 1: 3-14
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Spiritual Blessings” - Eph 1: 3
One of my areas of passion is spiritual formation - digging deeper into our spiritual lives through things such as spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, studying God’s Word, etc). I believe that when we are intentional about our spiritual formation, we are blessed spiritually. This is not some sort of trade off  - telling God that you will pray if God will bless you. Instead, it is being intentional because there is rich blessing simply by growing in our relationship with God. The deeper we go in our relationship with God, the more we discover the blessing is the relationship itself - knowing that we have been blessed through Christ on the cross. 
What does spiritual blessings mean in your life?
How have you been blessed because of Christ? 
Prayer: Lord, help us to cling to your spiritual blessings. May we recognize the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and respond with open hearts to receive all that you have for us, this day and always. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Adopted” - Eph 1: 4-6
I have some friends that have adopted children. In addition to birthdays they celebrate a very special day - “Gottcha Day” - the anniversary of when they were picked up for adoption. While adopted children can struggle with questions about why their biological parents could not take care of them, “Gottcha Day” reminds the kids that they were chosen by their adoptive parents. That they were fully welcomed into being part of a family, perhaps not marked by blood, but marked by love.
We are adopted into a family that is marked by both blood and love. For God so loved the world that God gave us Jesus that if we believe in him we can have eternal life. Praise be to God! God welcomed us to be part of this family, even when we were far away, denying God with our hearts and lives that were steeped in sin. We were still welcomed! Let us celebrate our own “Gottcha Day”s, when we came to know Christ and were welcomed into the family of the living God! 
What does it mean to you to be adopted into the family of God? Is this important to you? Why or why not?
How do you celebrate your adoption into God’s family?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for making a way for us when it seemed that there was no way. Thank you for welcoming us into your family when our hearts were so far away from you. Above all, thank you for Jesus, and the love that he showed to us on the cross, which changed our lives forever. Amen. 

Wednesday: “The Gospel in a Sentence” - Eph. 1: 7-8
If I had to describe the Gospel in one sentence, the author of Ephesians did it perfectly. Because of Jesus giving his life for us on the cross, we have been redeemed, forgiven, and have come to know the riches of God’s grace. Amen! 
To be redeemed is to be to be bought. We were bought by the blood of Christ from a debt to sin that we could not pay. Tracing the whole back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, we have strayed from the love of God by the enticing nature of sin. But here is what we aren’t told about sin as we are caught up in it, it comes with a high price. In Paul’s letter to the Romans we find that the wage for sin, or the price of sin, is death. But Christ exchanged his life for ours and bought us back from that death.
We are also forgiven - or given a pardon from the debt that we owe for sin. Christ not only bought us back, but forgave us for all that we have done that lead to his death in the first place! One of the folks in our parish points out that even if you were the only sinner, Christ would still go to the cross to die for you! Christ would still forgive you! That is the love of our gracious God!
How can you share this gospel sentence this week with people in you life?
Prayer: Lord, we can never repay you for all that you have done for us - for the forgiveness and freedom that we find in your love. Help us to share this powerful, life changing message with others so that the can come to know this love in their life as well! Amen.

Thursday: “Inheritance” - Eph 1: 9-11
Have you ever been at a funeral that went really badly? Where family mistreated one another? Where no one seemed to be focusing on honoring the deceased? One of the triggers for such behavior I have found is an unknown inheritance. Where folks are not celebrating the life of their loved on but instead are wondering how much they are going to get.
Inheritances are meant to be expressions of love that are passed on after someones life on earth have ended, but sometimes we can act like the prodigal son - demanding our inheritance instead of seeing it as a gift we cannot earn. 
If you want to see equally bad behavior in churches as what was described above for funerals, find folks who start to demand their inheritance of heaven, listing all of the reasons they have earned their way their instead of remembering it is a good gift given to us from God without our own merit involved. In Christ we have an inheritance - let us celebrate it for the good gift that came at a steep price that it is. 
How do you hold in balance remembering that Christ earned your salvation on the cross with living into the gift that it is? In other words, how do you balance honoring God with your actions and remembering that salvation is a unearned gift?
Prayer: O God, remind us that our inheritance in Christ is not something that we have earned or that we have a right to demand. Help us, instead, to celebrate the precious gift that it is by living our lives as Christ has lived, sharing the good news of your Kingdom with our words and actions. Amen. 

Friday: “Hope on Christ” - Eph 1: 12-14
I think we all can agree hat things in this world are not as they should be. However, I think as Christians we spend far too much time talking about how the world is deteriorating and not nearly enough time talking about the hope that we have in Christ. When we focus on our present circumstances, but forget the hope we have in Christ, it is as if we disregard the gift that Christ freely offered us - thinking that the state of the world is far more important than what Christ has to offer or Christ’s ability to redeem even our troubling times. We need to first set our hope on Christ - praising God for who He is and what He offered us in Christ Jesus.
How do you focus daily on the hope that is found in Christ?
Prayer: God, thank you for offering us hope - hope for a better tomorrow, hope for today. Help us to cling to that hope during rough times and proclaim that hope at all times. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to pray over next week’s topic and text - “Exploring Ephesians: Alive in Christ” - Eph 2: 1-10

Family Activity: Give each child a small gift. Talk to them about why we give gifts - as an expression of our love. What gifts has God given us to show his love?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Shiny Gods Pt 4

   This week we talked about leaving rooms in our lives and our budgets to minister to those in need. One of the ways I have done this in my own life is to create a list of charities that are important to me because of the work they are doing restoring people's lives and sharing hope. Each month I give money to one of these organizations. For me this list includes:
Spiritual Directors International
To Write Love on Her Arms
Thistle Farms
Drew Theological School
The Young Clergywomen Project
Joyful Hearts
But that's just my list. Then in addition, I set aside money for special offerings that bless the local community through the local church. What is your plan to create a margin to bless those who are hurting in the world? How are you creating room in your budget to bless others above and beyond your tithe?

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Shiny Gods 3 Devo

October 23rd, 2016
“Shiny Gods: Heart Giving”  - Matthew 7: 7-12, Lev. 19:9-10
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “Ask, Seek, Knock” - Matthew 7: 7-8
Familiar words. Ask and it shall be given to you. What have you asked God for lately? Did you get exactly what you asked for? Why not? That’s what the scripture says doesn’t it? Not quite. Many in the church have taken this piece of scripture to mean that God will give you whatever you ask for, when in fact, that is not what it says. Instead, this scripture is beckoning us to ask for the things of the Kingdom of God. To search for what’s close to God’s heart, and knock of the door of eternal life. 
Friends, what a difference it could make if we shift what we think this verse means - meeting our wants, needs, and desires, and instead see it as seeking after the heart of God. I once had a women in a Bible study comment how she was struck by the fact that I often prayed in church “God’s will be done.” She stated that she found comfort in the fact that we were seeking God’s will together instead of simply a list of individual wants and concerns.
Let pray this week that God’s will be done. Let us seek after the Kingdom of God and let it reign in our lives. Let us ask for the things that are close to the heart of God and ask that our heart love those things and people as well. Amen! 
How could praying for God’s will and Kingdom change your prayer life? If you already pray for these things, how has it changed your prayer life? 
Prayer: Lord, sometimes we get in our own way. We think that everything is all about us, instead of focusing on your Kingdom and reign. Help us this week to refocus on you. Seeking after your heart and proclaiming your Kingdom! Amen. 

Tuesday: “Good Gifts” - Matthew 7: 9-11
I love to give gifts. But I must admit that often I give things that are not on folks lists. I hand stitch something for them, or find something in a store that reminds me of them or that I think they will like. I am not very good at waiting for the birthday or Christmas list and sticking to it.
When I give people gifts, especially my nieces, I want to give them good things. Things they will treasure and enjoy. Another interpretation of this scripture passage could be - if I as an aunt want to give good gifts to my nieces, how much more so will God lavish good things upon us.
The problem is, all too often our wants and desires get in the way of appreciating all that God has given us. Have you ever taken time to pick out the perfect gift only to have the receiver complain that its not what they wanted? How did that make you feel? Yet, we seem to have no problem rejecting the good gifts God has given us. 
What makes something a good gift?
What are the gifts God has lavished upon you that you have taken for granted? 
Prayer: Lord, we confess that we are not always joyful recipients of your gifts and love. All too often we fail to notice your gifts or have complained that they are not what we wanted, when we wanted it. Forgive us, O Lord. Open up our eyes and ears and hearts so we can see the blessings of each and every day. Amen. 

Wednesday: “Do Unto Others” - Matthew 7:12
A lot of folks don’t realize that the teaching to do unto others as you would have them do unto others is Biblical. Yes, the Golden Rule is found in God’s Holy Word, in several different places. 
Right after Jesus teaches his disciples about seeking after the heart of God and reminding them that God gives good gifts, we find this teaching about doing unto others. There is a link between what is in God’s heart and loving other people. One of the first verses that we often teach children to memorize is “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.” God loves the world. God has not forgotten us or abandon us or given up on us. God made a way for the world to come and know the love of God through Jesus on the cross. It is our job to share that good news because our Heavenly Father loves the world. 
What do you find challenging about the Golden Rule?
How is the Golden Rule connected to the heart of God? 
Prayer: Lord, help us to share the good news of Jesus every day because you love the people we are to share it with. Help us to treat other people as we would want to be treated - with kindness and respect - because they are your children. Help us to uphold the Golden Rule in our daily lives. Amen. 

Thursday: “Leave Them” - Lev 19:9-10
Have you ever witnessed people gathering what they don’t really need in a store because there is a good sale? You may have even overheard someone saying “I don’t need this now, but its a good price.” I like to believe that people are picking those thing up for the needy in their communities, but I also know that often is not the case.
It is as if there is something deep within us that fears scarcity. Perhaps there was a time in our life when we didn’t have everything we thought we needed. Or maybe we just learn to fear not having enough from the TV, but too many people live in constant fear of not having enough. Today’s scripture speaks against that - not only reminding folks that they will have enough in their fields, but telling them not to pick it clean. Instead, they are to leave a margin around the field where those in need can come and glean. We are all in need of a margin in our lives. A margin in our budgets and calendars where we can minister to those who are in need - with those for whom scarcity isn’t a fear, its a reality.
What would it look like for you to leave a margin in your life for the poor and needy? What could God do with this margin for the sake of the Kingdom of God?
Prayer: O God, help us to trust you. To trust that we do have enough. That we are enough. Encourage us to leave a margin in our lives for the work of the Kingdom of God in and through us - especially in the lives of the poor and needy. Use us, we pray. Amen. 

Friday: “You” - Matthew 25: 35-36
Christ tells us in scripture that when we arrive at heaven we are going to be asked what we did for those whom Christ deeply cares about. Did we feed people? Give them something to drink? Welcome the stranger? Give clothes? Care for the sick and visit those in prison?
Our salvation is meant to be lived out. We are not meant simply to make a decision to love Christ and then sit back and wait to be taken into heaven. No - our faith is meant to be embraced, lived, and shared. How can you share you faith in Jesus this week with someone in need? 
How can you live out your faith in a tangible way?
How has your faith impacted people before?
Prayer: God, thank you for calling us to an active faith. A faith that isn’t about sitting still and waiting for you to return, but instead a faith that ministers to the world around us. Thank you for inviting us all to be part of this mission. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
Pray over next week’s text and sermon: “Exploring Ephesians: Lavishing Grace” - Eph 1: 3-14

Family Activity: Pick one way to live out your faith as a family. How can you serve together? After serving talk about what you experienced and how this reflected the love of Jesus. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Shiny Gods Part 3

   Pastor, I need financial help. These are words that come through my office several times a year due to unforeseen circumstances and great needs. The truth is, when these requests come in, I also find myself thinking about how many other people around me are in need of financial help, are in need of financial advice.
   We live in a world where many folks are spending more than they are bringing in each month. They are living paycheck to paycheck at best, and so when extraordinary circumstances come up, they don't know what to do. I am happy that we are a generous church that can help folks, but I also think we, as a society, need to rethink our relationship to money. The best advice I can give is 10-10-80. Give ten percent to God. Put ten percent into savings for needs that will come in the future, and then live on the remaining 80 percent (or in an ideal world less than that). We need to stop seeing every cent earned as ours to spend here and now as we like and instead think about what our relationship with money should look like and more importantly, what it means.
   Will 10-10-80 solve all our problems? No. But it does help keep our heart and wallet in check. What financial practices do you find best help you focus on God and reflect your faith?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Shiny Gods 2 Devo

October 16th, 2016  
“Shiny Gods: Be Faithful, Save, and Give ” - 2 Cor 9: 6-12
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog

Monday: “What are You Sowing?” - 2 Cor 9: 6
If someone ask you what you are sowing in your life, how would you answer? People who plant gardens and farm land can tell you what they plant every year. They can tell you because they were intentional - they picked out their crop, they tended to it, and if all went well, they saw the fruits of their labors. While we may not see the fruits in this life of all of our labors, we should still be very intentional about what we are sowing. 
Do you want to sow peace? Then are you intentional about choosing words that reflect this? Do you want to sow joy? Then how is your attitude towards others, even when they disagree with you? Do you want to sow Christ’s love? Then how are you going about sharing that blessed love with others? 
We are only put on this earth for a short while - what are we going to do with that time in order to be intentional about what we want to leave behind in terms of fruit for the harvest? 
What do you want to be more intentional about sowing with your life? What is one step you could take in order to make this happen?
Would you describe yourself as someone who sows sparingly or bountifully? Why? 
Prayer: Jesus, we desire to be people who sow seeds for your Kingdom. We don’t know when the fruit of the harvest of these seeds may come, but you simply call us to be faithful in the planting. Help us sow bountifully for the sake of your honor and glory. Amen. 

Tuesday: “Make Up Your Mind” - 2 Cor 9: 7
I was once at an event with Rev. Dr. Ed Zeiders where he described how he and his wife approached their tithe. He said that they made up their minds, at the beginning of their life in ministry, to work towards a progressive tithe. They started off working towards being able to tithe their net salary - what their take home pay was. They they formed a plan to be intentional about working towards tithing their gross salary - their salary before all of the deductions for health insurance, taxes, etc. Then they choose to work towards tithing off of the additional parts of their salary package - things like health insurance and pension. They made this plan for their life and made up their minds to how they wanted to give.
Now, I am not saying that we should all be working towards a progressive tithe. But, I am encouraging us to think about how we give. To make up our minds to an amount and cheerfully give that unto the Lord, not as a last resort or only after all of the bills are paid, but instead as the first fruits of our labors. 
Tithing is hard because it is an act of trust, especially when we don’t know what financial concerns may come. But today’s scripture encourages us to be intentional about deciding what we will give and instructs us to give it willingly and cheerfully, as an act of trusting our Lord. 
How would your describe your heart when you give to the Lord? Reluctant? Cheerful? Spiteful? Why?
How can you be more intentional about what you give back to the Lord?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that we do not always offer our first fruits - often we give you the leftovers. Then we complain that we do not have enough. Lord, help us to trust you and see that what you have provided us is more than enough. Amen. 

Wednesday: “ Increase the Harvest” - 2 Cor 9: 8-10
I was once at a church service where the pastor prayed that God increase the harvest of their offering by ten times. I was impressed by how bold the prayer was. How many of us, after giving to the Lord, pray that God increase the yield of what we are providing, not for our sakes, but for the sake of the Kingdom of God?
We give back to God and ask for an increase in the harvest as a reminder that all we have been provided is by the hand of God alone. God gives us the ability to work. God help us have the skills and gifts to receive a paycheck. God makes sure that we are provided for. And yet, all too often, we act as if we have achieved these things alone, therefore we forget to thank God for this good provision. God gives us the opportunity to give back to the Kingdom of God, so that we can share in the work of the Kingdom. What an honor and a privilege!
However, it becomes hard to give back to the Kingdom when we are living beyond our means. When we need every cent to pay our bills because the credit card bill is so high. We need to remember that God asks us only to return 10 percent of what has been earned back to the work of the Kingdom, and entrusts the other 90 (90!) percent to us for our good use. Let us be faithful in living within our means so that we can continue to return to God what is rightfully his. 
How have you seen God increase the harvest in your life? 
Prayer: Lord, we are afraid that if we give you our tithe that we will not have enough. Help us, O Lord, to give so that the increase of your harvest may come ten-fold! Empower us to live within our means so that we can be faithful to return to you what you have gifted us with in the first place. Help us, we pray. Amen. 

Thursday: “Enriched” - 2 Cor 9: 10-11
I once had a congregation member tell me that it is fun to give unto the Lord! A few years ago, the church he was a part of was struggling financially, not even able to pay their bills. But in the face of that struggle the council made a decision, to tithe whatever came in from the fundraisers they were having to pay those bills to a mission that God had placed on their hearts, and they have continued this commitment for years. Every council meeting they had the joy of praying about where the tithe from their next fundraiser would go. Soon, they were adding money on top of the tithe in order to bless the ministries they were supporting. Along the way, quietly and without much notice, they were finding they were no longer in debt, were able to pay their bills, and started to have a surplus in the bank. As they trusted God and were generous, their own ministries and faith walks were enriched as well. Praise be to God! It is fun to give to the Lord!
If anyone should be generous with what they have, it should be Christians. For we claim that it is our God who made the heavens and the earth and provided everything we need. Yet, sometimes we get sucked into the financial concerns around us in such a way that we become paralyzed and forget that it is fun to give. Let us regain that spirit of fun in our generosity and giving, so that others may be blessed in God’s name. 
When do you find yourself struggling with generosity? When do you find yourself to be most generous? What could help you increased your spirit of generosity in your life?
Prayer: Lord, sometimes we lose the fun in our faith. We forget that you are a creative God who wants us to have a sense of joy in following you, serving you. Help us regain that spirit of joy and generosity in our own lives so that we can have a faith that blesses others in a powerful way! Amen. 

Friday: “Pay Attention” - Proverbs 27: 23-24
Proverbs is concerned a book of practical wisdom about faith and living. In today’s scripture we find that this wisdom is to pay attention, for no treasure will last forever. The author is telling folks to take account of what they have and put it to good use, because nothing lasts forever.
While I agree with the practical part of this passage, I also disagree. There are some treasures that last forever - chiefly the treasures of heaven. I think we need to take account and pay attention to see if we are living our lives and using our earthly treasures in such a way that have eternal significance, which brings us back to the scripture passage from the beginning of our week - what are you sowing for the Kingdom?
What treasures do you have and share with others that will last forever?
How are you using your earthly treasures for eternal significance? 
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us all that we need here and now, and all we will need in the future. Help us to use what we have for you and the glory of your name, so that what we do here and now will impact this community for the Kingdom for years to come! Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Shiny Gods: Heart Giving ” - Matthew 7: 7-12, Lev 19:9-10

Family Activity: Pick a charity that matters to your and your family. Set a jar somewhere in your house to collect money for this charity. Pray for them. Visit them (or their website). Talk about why it matters to be generous with our money and how this reflects how our God is generous to us.