December 27th, 2015
“Hearing the Call of Christ” - Mark 1:1-20
Keep the sermon topic and Biblical text preaching all week by following Pastor Michelle on twitter @tinypastor and reading her sermon blog
Monday: “Prepare the Way” - Mark 1:1-8
For the last several weeks we have been focusing on the theme “preparing our hearts” during worship for the Advent season. Now that the celebration of Christmas is over, what are we preparing for? According to John the Baptist, to make way for the Lord.
The Gospel of Mark starts differently then John (speaking in poetic words about Christ being the Light of the World), and Matthew and Luke that give the infant narratives of Jesus’s birth. Mark simply starts his Gospel by boldly proclaiming that this is the good news of Jesus the Messiah. The good new of God’s reign. We are certainly in need of that Good News today. We are in need, once again, of preparing the way for the Lord to reign amongst us. We are also invited to be part of proclaiming that Good News, perhaps not as a prophet, like John the Baptist, but certainly as disciples of Christ.
What helps you hear and respond to the good new of Christ?
Who are some of the people in your life who are in need of hearing this good news proclaimed?
Prayer: God, when we have the eyes of our hearts open we notice that you help us experience the power of the gospel message, the good news of Jesus Christ, anew each day. But we confess that sometimes we get so caught up in each day’s schedule that we cease to notice, cease to prepare the way for the Lord to Reign in our lives and the lives of those around us. Use us to proclaim the good news we notice, O Lord. Amen.
Tuesday: “I Love You” - Mark 1: 9-11
The baptism narratives are among my favorites in the gospels. Every time I read the words spoken over Jesus “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” I feel such deep emotion. Some translations take the phrase “whom I love” and translate it as “my Beloved.” It is as if, right then and there at Jesus’s baptism, God is publicly proclaiming “I love you.”
God speaks time and time again that we are the Beloved - loved by God - as well. We can never do anything to make God love us more or love us less. Yet, the love God has for us is not to be contained. Instead we are to share it with others. That is why we proclaim the good news - so that other’s can hear and claim that they are loved by God as well!
Where are the places we proclaim the good news?
Prayer: God of love, thank you for loving us so deeply. Your love is sometimes hard for us to understand in our human terms - your unending love for us. Empower us to share the good news of your love with others so they can experience your peace and joy. Amen.
Wednesday: “ In the Wilderness” - Mark 1: 12-13
Sometimes we buy into the inaccurate idea that since God loves us we will never go through trials, but that is not what scripture tells us. Here in the first chapter we find Jesus, called the Beloved of God and then being sent into the wilderness for forty days to be tested by Satan. Love and a lack of trial or temptation in our lives do not go hand in hand.
We all battle temptations, they must just look differently for each of us. Some are tempted to lash out in anger at circumstances they cannot control. Others are tempted to gluttony around food. And still others lust after that which they cannot have. Trials and temptations seem even more overwhelming when we try to battle them alone, in the wilderness of our lives, instead of surrounded by others supporting us in prayer and holding us accountable. Even Jesus, the very Son of God, was not alone in the wilderness, as today’s scripture tells of angels ministering to him. Let us learn to lean on one another for strength during difficult times.
Where does the wilderness exist in your life?
How can you have others support you and help minister to you during times of trial and temptation?
Prayer: God, we confess that sometimes we trick ourselves into thinking that we can handle everything we face on our own. But you have given us the gift of the Body of Christ, the Church to support us during all times, including trials and temptations. Equip us to minister to each other, O Lord. Strengthen us for whatever we may face. Amen.
Thursday: “The Good News ” - Mark 1: 14-15
Creeds and doctrinal statements exist for one purpose - to help us put into words what we believe. The number one reason people don’t share about their faith is because they don’t know what to say. Yet, in today’s scripture Jesus sums up the Gospel message into two sentences - “The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.”
The early church truly believed that Christ was coming back any day. Today we sometimes try to predict when Christ is coming back, but at the end of the day, our message remain the same - The Kingdom of God is near. It is so close that we can feel it and so powerful that it makes us rethink our priorities and the way we live our lives. In fact, it can make us turn around (repent). How can you share this message in a way that others can understand and respond to today?
What are some of the fears you have around sharing the Good News? How can you face these fears with the help of God?
Prayer: Use us, Lord, to proclaim the ancient message of Christ our Lord - that Your Kingdom is near. That we are to repent and believe. Help us to lay aside fears that prevent us from proclaiming this message and use us to sing of your message, boldly, O Lord! Amen.
Friday: “Follow Me” - Mark 1: 16-20
In so many ways the call story of the disciples is hard for us to wrap our minds around. Why would these men leave their boats to fish for people? Why would they leave behind their professions and families and homes for the sake of this one who was calling them?
Jesus called each of the disciples, not because of their resumes, but because of their willingness to follow. And Jesus still calls today. In fact, part of being a Christian isn’t simply believing in Christ, but responding to his call to follow him. We too, will be asked to leave much behind for the sake of the call. What will your response be?
How has Christ called you to follow him? What has your response been?
What do you need to set aside or leave behind in order to follow Christ more fully?
Prayer: God, help us to respond to your call upon our lives. We know that all of the gifts and talents you have given us are from you - now help us use them as your disciples so that others may come to know your saving love. Transform us, so we can transform your world. Amen.
Saturday: Preparing for the Word
You are invited to read and pray this week’s text and topic: “Be Courageous: What Lies Ahead” - Joshua 1:1-11
Family Activity: Get a bucket of water and drop a small rock into it - what do you see? The rock ripples far beyond where it entered the water. How do our lives cause ripples? How can these ripples touch others so that they can know that Jesus loves them?
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