Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Phil 2: 1-13

From the Sermon:

While the _______ is the vessel that God has chosen to spread the good news of the Kingdom, sometimes we are not very good bearers of that message.

Paul wants to take this opportunity to remind the church about _____ it is that they follow and _____ the work they should be about in the world. 

Paul starts out by telling the people to be _______.

This particular statement of faith found in Philippians is often referred to as “_______________.”

The call that Paul is giving to the Philippians is to be ______________________ - one who __________ a Christ-like attitude so that people see Christ in us.

Reflection Questions:

What makes us become distracted from the Kingdom mission?

How can we be united in Christ?

What prevents us from reflecting Christ’s light in the world?


Lord, enable me to set aside any desires of my heart other than imitating you. Allow me to adopt your mindset, actions, and heart so I can reflect your light and love in this world. Amen. 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Acts 16: 16-34

From the Sermon:

One night Paul has this powerful vision. A man from Macedonia is pleading with him, crying out “______________________________”

The girl’s owners claim that Paul and Silas are ____________.

While praying to God ________________________________.

All of this was used by _______ for the glory of _______ to save the jailer that day. 

The jailer needed to be saved from ________________________________________.

We all have things that hold our ______________________.

Reflection Questions:

What do we need saved from this day?

How can something that is “alright” keep us from truly handing our lives over to God in surrender? 


Lord, help me to be honest with you and myself about what is holding me captive this day. Take it from my heart and hands and allow me to surrender my life to you. Amen. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 20: 1-18

From the Sermon:

When we make this text ___________________, we miss how it may be speaking to us here and now today. 

Saul was a man who lived in _________.

A powerful story of Paul’s conversion, which went on to propel him on his missionary journeys. Only I think at times we miss the point - this was ____________________________.

Sometimes our conversion experience is _______________________________.

Saul, renamed Paul by God, does not share the story of his conversion again and again in order to say that everyone’s ________________________________.

______________ is not done with you yet.

Reflection Questions:

Who are you being called to bear witness to?

What are some of the ways that you compare yourself to others?


Lord, help me to set aside the temptation to compare myself and my story with you to others. Allow me to boldly follow you, as you lead me. Amen.