Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Exodus 20:12-16

From the Sermon:

The Ten Commandments were so sacred to the people of Israel that they were placed in the ___________________________.

The ark and the items continued within were a reminder to the people that their lives, their whole, everyday lives, were _________________________.

Psalm 16:6  states that God has made our _________________ fall in pleasant places.

As God was forming this new community in this new promised land he gave ten commandments to act as boundary lines around how we are to relate ____________________________.

Loving our _________________ flows from our love of ____________.

Reflection Questions:

Are we going to live as people within our boundaries given by God and see them as pleasant and creating a place of abundance or are we going to rebel against them?

Are we going to live differently because of the love of Christ or are we just going to look like the rest of the world in how we communicate with and treat other people?

Are we going to have a Christ-like heart that guides all we do and say or are we going to let our own words and thoughts take over?


Lord, when I fail to love others well, let your love that has claimed me and saved me, set me aright. Let your love flow through me, all for the sake of your name and your Kingdom. Amen. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Acts 2: 1-21 and Phil 4: 4-7

From the Sermon:

Jesus told his followers, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the ___________.”

What started on that day of Pentecost so long ago wasn’t just the church being the gift of life, but the church being sent out in ____________.

Near the end of the letter to the Philippians, he Paul them these words “____________________________!”

______ is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Joy is not the same thing as __________________.

Happiness comes from ________________________. Joy comes from _________________.

___________________ come together and make each other complete.

Reflection Questions:

What prevents peace and joy in our lives?

What is the connection between joy and submission? 

What helps you to keep your heart and mind focused on Christ? 


Lord, let us reclaim your joy in our lives and through the power of the Holy Spirit allow it to bear fruit in and through us. Amen. 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Phil 2: 1-13

From the Sermon:

While the _______ is the vessel that God has chosen to spread the good news of the Kingdom, sometimes we are not very good bearers of that message.

Paul wants to take this opportunity to remind the church about _____ it is that they follow and _____ the work they should be about in the world. 

Paul starts out by telling the people to be _______.

This particular statement of faith found in Philippians is often referred to as “_______________.”

The call that Paul is giving to the Philippians is to be ______________________ - one who __________ a Christ-like attitude so that people see Christ in us.

Reflection Questions:

What makes us become distracted from the Kingdom mission?

How can we be united in Christ?

What prevents us from reflecting Christ’s light in the world?


Lord, enable me to set aside any desires of my heart other than imitating you. Allow me to adopt your mindset, actions, and heart so I can reflect your light and love in this world. Amen. 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Acts 16: 16-34

From the Sermon:

One night Paul has this powerful vision. A man from Macedonia is pleading with him, crying out “______________________________”

The girl’s owners claim that Paul and Silas are ____________.

While praying to God ________________________________.

All of this was used by _______ for the glory of _______ to save the jailer that day. 

The jailer needed to be saved from ________________________________________.

We all have things that hold our ______________________.

Reflection Questions:

What do we need saved from this day?

How can something that is “alright” keep us from truly handing our lives over to God in surrender? 


Lord, help me to be honest with you and myself about what is holding me captive this day. Take it from my heart and hands and allow me to surrender my life to you. Amen. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 20: 1-18

From the Sermon:

When we make this text ___________________, we miss how it may be speaking to us here and now today. 

Saul was a man who lived in _________.

A powerful story of Paul’s conversion, which went on to propel him on his missionary journeys. Only I think at times we miss the point - this was ____________________________.

Sometimes our conversion experience is _______________________________.

Saul, renamed Paul by God, does not share the story of his conversion again and again in order to say that everyone’s ________________________________.

______________ is not done with you yet.

Reflection Questions:

Who are you being called to bear witness to?

What are some of the ways that you compare yourself to others?


Lord, help me to set aside the temptation to compare myself and my story with you to others. Allow me to boldly follow you, as you lead me. Amen. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 20: 1-18

From the Sermon:

Mary was __________ with death

Mary does the only thing that she can think of doing - ______________.

Mary cries “_____________________________”

When we stop and dwell in this story instead of simply receiving it - we realize that ________________________________.

Mary opened up the door for us to face our own darkness with her weeping, and our deepest joy and fulfillment with her exclamation of “_____________!”

Mary’s cry was no longer “They have taken the Lord” but instead became “___________________”

Reflection Questions:

Who do you identify with in this story? 

Have you ever had the grief of Mary? Have you ever had the feelings that Mary would have harbored towards whoever took Jesus’s body? 

Or the fear and anxiety of the disciples? Or the defeat of the disciples that led them back to the safety of their home?

How is Christ calling you to find hope, joy, and freedom?


Lord, help us to step into the fullness of the Gospel this day, as we enter with open hearts and take away the hope, joy, and freedom that you offer in new life. Amen. 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 19: 16-22

From the Sermon:

The Nicene Creed states, “_____________, he [Jesus] was crucified under Pontious Pilate.”

Golgotha was shaped like a __________. 

Written in not one, not two, but three languages was the title, “Jesus of Nazareth, the ________________________.”

When the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Cor 1:23 that “_________________________” he is recalling to mind this horrible event, in all of its gruesomeness.

All of the __________ of humanity was on display that day in the crowd.

We need to examine our hearts for:




Reflection Questions:

What did Jesus’s death accomplish for us?

How are the cross and the cradle connected?

How has Jesus changed your life?


Lord, lead us to be people who claim the gift of the salvation offered to us through your sacrifice us for us. Lead us to pick up our cross and follow you. Amen. 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 19: 1-16

From the Sermon:

Pilate tries to play _________________.

Pilate has already ________________.

Standing on this side of history we can ask what Pilate was _______________.

This scripture is often read on ___________________.

That Jesus is the ________________. That he lays down his life for his sheep.

Let us put __________ in its proper place - not in the hands of the world - but in the hands of the one who has come to set us free.

Reflection Questions:

When have we been a place where we have abused our authority? 

Or thought we had more sway and control than we actually did? 

Or have used what little power we have not for good or the Kingdom of God?

What does the authority and power of Jesus mean to you?


Lord, help us to seek first your Kingdom and give you all the honor, power, and glory that you are due. Amen. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 18: 28-40

From the Sermon:

As _________________ they had no right to put anyone to death, and the _____________________ surely wouldn’t consider a religious offense worthy of a capitol punishment.

Rome would kill someone claiming to be __________________.

Pilate saw right through the schemes and plans of the __________________.

Pilate, like the crowd, was swept up in ________________ by that point in time.

What have you done because the _______ has persuaded you to?

My hope for us is that we let go of our ____________ dispositions to betray God in order to please others.

Reflection Questions:

When have you been too scared to do the right thing?

What makes you be swept up in the ways of the crowd? What have you done because the crowd has persuaded you to?

Are you willing to risk doing the unpopular, this Lenten season and beyond, if God asks you to?


Lord, we come before you and confess that we have not always followed your voice first and foremost. There have been more times than we would like to admit when we followed the crowd, even at the cost of denying you. Forgive us, O Lord, we pray. Amen. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 18: 12-27

From the Sermon:

________ -  that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you did something you knew you shouldn’t have done.

If anyone understood guilt it would be the apostle, _________.

It was almost as if Peter’s zeal was replaced by ______ - fear of the unknown, fear of what was going to happen to Jesus, fear of what was going to happen to him.

What makes this passage particularly challenging, isn’t just that Peter denied Christ. What makes it even more challenging is that Jesus ____________ for that denial! 

There aren’t limits to Christ’s ________________.

Reflection Questions:

How many times have we let our own fear of the unknown hold us back from following the prompting of the Holy Spirit?

How is forgiveness related to this passage in the Gospel of John?

Do you think Peter could have went on to be the rock on which the church was built if he would have been weighed down by the guilt of denying Jesus?


Lord, help us to lay aside our guilt and shame and pick up the freedom and forgiveness that you offer to us. Amen. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 13: 1-17

From the Sermon:

There is something about this story of Jesus washing the disciples ______ that makes us uneasy.

The only people who washed feet were _______ - and not even Jewish slaves at that, but gentile slaves, a mark of their lowly class.

Jesus didn’t chastise his disciples for not being willing to wash one another’s feet, he simply _______.

 Service frees us to look into the _______ of those we are serving.

__________________ isn’t based on whether we feel like it that day.

Reflection Questions:

Why do you serve - for your glory of for Christ’s?

Who is your neighbor?

Who are you meant to be serving at this time that you are not?

How are you being called to have a servants heart?


Lord, free us to love beyond our comfort zones. Free us to serve beyond our heart’s limits. Allow us to be people who reflect you and your Kingdom in the world. Amen. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 11: 1-44

From the Sermon:

Jesus told the disciples, “Our friend, _____________,  is asleep”. 

__________ is a hard thing to talk about.

The sisters of Lazarus, ___________________________, are sitting smack dab in the middle of the ugliness of grief.

They cry out to Jesus a statement that perhaps you have made at one time or another “__________ you would have been here, Jesus.”

We live into the tension of knowing that ____________ to be with us in Entirety and that _________________ to be with us right now, here today, on Earth.

We are all _______________________ that we do not even recognize and they are suffocating us.

Reflection Questions:

Tell of a time when you asked God where he was. How did you receive assurance?

Where does our hope lie?


Lord, as we begin this Lenten journey let us remember that we are dust and to dust that we will return, but that we are also yours and yours alone. Amen. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 9: 1-41

From the Sermon:

___________________  felt the need to place the blame for the man’s blindness of someone.

The disciples got caught in the trap that we still find ourselves in today - ________________________________.

But Jesus answer surprises them, surprises us. “_________.”

God was ______________ the situation for the Glory of the Kingdom.

This healing turned the world around him upside down, and he came to realize that ______ was the only one who could come through for him.

Reflection Questions:

Why do we try to blame others when they are suffering?

How would you have acted as the blind man’s neighbor?

How do you pray for healing? 

Are you willing to be healed, no matter the cost?


Lord, we pray that you remind us that true healing rests in you alone. Reach into the places in our lives where we stand in need and bring your healing grace. Amen. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Devotional for Week of February 20th, 2022

 Text: John 7: 37-52

37 On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”[a] 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. 40 On hearing his words, some of the people said, “Surely this man is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “He is the Messiah.” Still others asked, “How can the Messiah come from Galilee? 42 Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come from David’s descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?” 43 Thus the people were divided because of Jesus. 44 Some wanted to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him.

45 Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and the Pharisees, who asked them, “Why didn’t you bring him in?” 46 “No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards replied. 47 “You mean he has deceived you also?” the Pharisees retorted. 48 “Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? 49 No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law—there is a curse on them.” 50 Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number, asked, 51 “Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?” 52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Look into it, and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee.”

Isaiah 55:1 

“Come, all you who are thirsty,
    come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
    come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without cost.


I recently had someone ask me what the busiest time of the year was for me as a pastor, and without missing a beat I replied Lent. This is the time of the year when we all should be slowing down and reflecting upon God, yet sometimes it seems like we are just running from one thing to the next without really having time to seek the face of God.

  Yet that’s exactly what today’s scripture passages invites us to do. To seek God’s face and be filled. Isaiah is speaking to a group of exiles, trying to bring them hope and proclaim God’s salvation to them. He is speaking to those who are becoming discouraged being in a foreign land amongst people who do not believe what they believe. And to these people who yearn for God to save them, the prophet proclaims, “everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.” Come seek after God and be filled. 

I attended a small Christian college a few hours from here, which required attendance at chapel three times a week. Usually we had speakers and sang hymns together or celebrated Holy Communion, but one service I remember in particular was praying through song. We spent our hour together singing and reflecting on what we had sung in silence. One of these songs of prayer was called “Invitation Fountain” and the lyrics had a profound impact on me. “Let all who are weak, all who are weary. Come to the rock, come to the fountain. All who have sailed on the rivers of heartache, come to the sea, come on be set free!” Friends, the invitation to come to the waters and seek after God are just as much extended to us today as they were to the people of Israel. And that is truly what the season of Lent is about, seeking and finding. Realizing that God’s ways are above our ways. Stopping and sitting in the silence listening to the voice of God. To cease striving for the things that cannot last and do not truly satisfy. 

Whenever I hear this text from Isaiah my mind goes to the Samaritan woman at the well who encountered Jesus one day. She listened to him talk about this water that will satisfy so you will no longer be thirsty. God is offering us that water still. The water that quenches our very spirits, from everlasting to everlasting. Yet, all to often we reject what God is offering us in our haste to get to the next thing. Or we don’t realize how truly thirsty we are. We forget that what God is offering us is truly the best. Offering us living water from the fountain of life that will not run dry. 

For when we run from one thing to the next looking for satisfaction, looking for truth, looking for meaning, we will never find what we are looking for. Never find the water that fills our spirits. The water that is freely given and can be freely received. For that water can only be found in the presence of a Holy God. The one whom the prophet tells us to seek after. May we allow God to draw near to us this Lenten season. May we repent of all of those times that we have neglected what God has offered us. May we seek after the one who invites us to come.  

Reflection Questions:

How does Jesus fill you with life-giving water?

How does the water of Christ quench your longings?

In what ways are you called to share this water with the world?


Lord, I come before you this week and pray that I be filled with your water of life. The water that the religious leaders could not understand because their certainty got in the way. Let me be so filled with your life, that I cannot help but splash it out as I live my life for you. Amen. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: John 7: 37-52

From the Sermon:

On this last day he stands up and proclaims, “Let anyone who is _______ come to me and ________.”

The Pharisees would rather argue about scripture and ______________________.

Jesus is paraphrasing the scripture from ______________.

Those folks who thought they knew all of the law and interpreted it correctly - they were so caught up in their idea of “rightness” that they missed what ________________________.

When we are ____________, after we have come and received, that water needs to spill out of us.

Reflection Questions:

When have you put the idea of being “correct” above following the Spirit?

How do you recognize when you are spiritually thirsty?

How do you point others to the Water of Life?


Lord, beacon me to come to you as the water of life. Quench my thirsting and send me out to proclaim your life! Amen.