Spiritual Practices - Examen
Adapted from: Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us, (Downers Grove: IVP Books, 2005).
Week of June 20th, 2021
Sometimes we need a reminder of how we grow closer to God. A different way to think about continually being shaped and molded by our Lord. For the next five weeks, we will be inviting you to think of the ways different practices impact your relationship with God. Some may come naturally to you or are things you already do, perhaps take time to thoughtfully consider what they mean to you. Some practices may be new, give them a try and see if they are a fit for this season of your life. Let us bring our hearts and lives before the Lord!
Scripture for the week: Psalm 30
How do you notice and praise God when things are going well?
Is this different from you notice and praise God when things are not going as you like?
What does it mean, to you, to praise God in all circumstances?
Spiritual Practice: Examen
Take time at the end of each day to reflect:
What moment am I most grateful for?
What moment am I least grateful for?
When did I give and receive love today? When did I overlook moments to love?
What was the most life-giving part of my day?
When did I have a deep sense of connection to God today? When did I not notice that connection as clearly?
Where did I live out the fruits of the spirit?
Additional Scriptures to Meditate On:
Col 1:9
Phil. 1: 9-10