Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Sacraments: Baptism Acts 2: 37-42 and Psalm 46

     A very wise woman in my life will often stop me mid-sentence and ask a powerful question, "what does that feel like?" The 'that' that she is referring to is however what I just said feels in my body. 

     It seems odd until you realize that God created us to have bodies and they are quite attuned if only we would take time to listen. But we have grown up in a day and time that tells us that at best our bodies are a tool and at worst an enemy, so we dismiss what the body is trying to point out to us. 

     So I wanted to try a simple exercise with you today. If I asked you, 'what does forgiveness feel like?' how would you respond. If you are like most folks you will start to talk about what forgiveness is and keep it all up in your head. But what does forgiveness feel like? 

     Maybe it feels like a fresh start. A New Year's celebration. The last bell of the school year as a beautiful summer lies before you. 

     Sometimes kids are our best teachers about such things. There's a story where a pastor once asked this question during a children's message and one brave kiddo shouted out "Like my birthday!" A celebration. Another year of a new beginning. 

     How about you, friends. What does forgiveness feel like to you and how can you live into the gift of such forgiveness in our world today?

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