Monday, November 1, 2021

Devotional “Solomon’s Temple” - 1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:1-13


Monday: “Friend” - 1 Kings 5: 1-2 

It is really easy to read scriptures about times of war and peace and assume that there weren’t many friendships among kings. In fact, it would be easy to read some of the books in the Hebrew Scriptures and assume that everyone just wanted their own kingdoms to get ahead, no matter what the cost to other nations and people. 

This was even true within the very family of David, as his sons tried to outsmart one another in order to be the one who inherited the throne. Attacking one another. Spreading lies. Forming alliances. And trying to start wars that they could win. 

But there truly were friendships between Kings. And one of those Kings who was considered David to be a friend was Hiram of Tyre. As a friend of David, he probably had heard of all of the in-fighting in David’s family over the throne. And now he wanted to reach out to Solomon for the same support that he offered to David.

We live in a world where it is really easy to slip into mindsets where we put ourselves first or think that it is us vs. them. What could these brief sentences in this week’s scripture lesson be inviting us to instead?

Do you find it easy or difficult to form deep friendships? Why do you think that this is the case?

Prayer: God, we thank you for the friends we have in our lives. The true friends who we know will look after our family. True friends who reach out in support at all times. Lead us to be such. Friend in the lives of others, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday: Rest” - 1 Kings 5: 3-5

Solomon’s retelling of why his father David was unable to build a temple for God is not quite accurate from what we find elsewhere in scripture. However, that may not be his fault. I wonder what words his father had passed down to him about why he did not build the temple for the Lord himself. Did he tell him about how God had told him that he did not ask for a temple to be built at this time? Did he tell him about how the priest Nathan had given him a blessing only to revoke it? Or did he speak of their not being enough peace in the land to build?

Solomon attributed it to God’s timing to build because he had rest from his enemies, but this could have just been a sign that Solomon could understand. Often when God asks us to do large things for the Kingdom we, too, look for signs that we can understand.  

What signs from God do you look for in discernment?

Prayer: Lord, we confess that sometimes we can only see things through our human perceptions. At times we understand; at other times we do not. Allow us to receive signs from you that we accurately discern so we can be in line with your will. Amen. 

Wednesday: Dedication” - 1 Kings 8: 1-4

We often throw around the word “dedicated” today, usually in reference to a position. They are dedicated to their job. They are dedicated to their family. They are dedicated to serving. But when we use the word dedication in that particular manner it makes it appear as if we are doing all of the work. As if it is by our efforts that we are pouring ourselves out for someone or something. 

But in the church, when we use the dedicated, it’s not about our power and will. Hannah dedicated Samuel to service in the temple. Solomon dedicated the temple unto God. These aren’t just simple words that are prayed over a person or thing. Nor do the represent that which we do as human beings. 

Instead, this sort of dedication is being set apart for service as God sees fit. It is not in our control or timing. Rather it is a stance of submission - Lord, do as you will. Which version of the word dedication resonates more with your spirit and what invitation are you sensing from the Lord within this word?

What have you dedicated unto the Lord?

Prayer: Lord, today we ask for the strength to let go of that which is not in our control. As we turn to dedicate that which you desire for the work of your Kingdom, may we not do so with clenched fists, but instead with open hearts. Use what we offer as you see fit. Amen. 

Thursday: “Gathered” - 1 Kings 8: 5-6

One things that can help us keep ourselves in check is a community of faith. The people of Israel gathered together not to bear witness to what Solomon has done, but instead to lift hight what God had done. The celebration became, yes, a time to dedicate the temple, but even more importantly, a time to declare God’s faithfulness throughout the ages. 

The reverse can also be true, however. Sometimes when a community, even a community of faith, is not rooted in discernment, it easy to let that community lead us astray from what God requires of us. 

Therefore, we must make sure that our faith community is comprised of those who put the will of God above their own desires. 

Who is part of your community that helps you remain focused on following God?

Prayer: Lord, help us to find people in our lives who are full of wisdom and discernment. People centered on prayer. People who seek after you. Amen. 

Friday: Glory of the Lord” - 1 Kings 8: 7-13

  The glory of the Lord showed up on that day of dedication in a big way. We are told that a cloud so thick filled that place that the priest were unable to go about doing their jobs. But it is notable that the glory of the Lord showed up in a way that the people of Israel could understand - for it was a pillar of cloud that God used to lead them so long ago. 

What does God need to do in order to get your attention? Can you think of something you know that God has been calling you to do, but that you have been ignoring or avoiding? How has God continued to show you this call and not let you go? How are you going to respond?

What does God need to do in order to get your attention?

Prayer: Lord, do whatever it takes, we pray, to get our attention. Let us no longer run away or make excuses. Instead, let us seek your glory, we pray. Amen. 

Saturday: Preparing for the Word

You are invited to read and pray this weeks text and topic: God Speaks to Elijah” - 1 Kings 19:1-18

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