Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sabbath. Study. Serve.

 Sabbath, Study, Serve 

Taking the Sermon Into Our Week 

Scripture of the Week: Matthew 18:15-20

From the Sermon:

The sacraments have meaning in our _________.

We fail to define what it means to be the Church, the body of Christ, and as a result, we all bring in our own expectations, which often leaves us feeling ________________.

This is how you ____________________.

Because we are on this side of eternity, the community that we create is going to be __________.

Jesus is telling us how to _____ one another when its hard.

Saying “______________” and only trying once is not going to cut it in this faith community. 

The sacraments should get into our hearts and spirits in a way that makes us want to be in right relationship with ________________________.

Reflection Questions:

How are we to behave when it is hard to love the person next to us in the pew?

What are Jesus’s instructions if someone wrongs us? And what is the guiding principle of his teaching?

How do we support one another in the body of Christ?


Lord, forgive us for all of the ways we have not handled conflict well within your body. Remind us again of the power of your Spirit, that binds us together and invites us into a new way of living - a way that gives you all the glory. Amen. 

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